Politically Correct movie

They really went out of their way to be totally PC in this film.

What boy eats salad and yogurt for lunch?!! Come on.

Before Jack tells his Indian story he makes a disclaimer.

The end credits, perhaps humorously, telling us that no bees where harmed in the making of this film.

The end credits also credit an Indian Chief as a consultant. Of course to be sure no Indians were misportrayed in this film.

Ben telling Jack all about recycling garbage cans in the house. Pleeeeease!!

Tomahawking a cardboard cut-out of General Custer in the genitals. This is the mock treatment of a Union hero that was an effective leader and hero in the Civil War and beyond. Read more about him at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Armstrong_Custer

Of course, none of this PC crap applies to Italian-Americans who are portrayed as only Mafia types.

America put the "fun" back into "Fundamentalism".



What boy eats salad and yogurt for lunch?!! Come on.

...smart boys? Yeah, I'm sure some definitely do. You make a good point about the Italians. But other than that...


well if your moms a hippie artist and youre raised to recycle and eat yogurt then i dont see how thats unrealistic... its called parenting.

Badge #6313 <3




I wish my nephew was the same way.


But truly awful.


well you do know that JTT has always been vegetarian so clearly he would eat a meatless lunch. And seriously, you're complaining because someone made a movie with a native american component that wasn't racist? You really complain because they called in an actual native american to play a native american and that the character was meant to be educational. Wow...you're really *beep* dumb


Wow. Who knew such triggered people existed way back in 2007! During the Bush era to boot! 😁
I guess if you were to reboot your post PC would be replaced with "WOKE!!" Lmao ❄


PC crap has been around since at least the 1970's and went full mainstream in the 90's and was well underway and shoved down our throats by 2007. People like you who defend Woke Slop suffer from Extreme Cases of Recency Bias and can't see past last week so think everything happening now is some recent phenomenon that just happened last week. Its been three years since you commented this. Are you off looking at Anti Woke posts from way back in 2021 and amazed Wokeness existed way back then?


It’s still the best film ever made.
