Too many plot holes

How was Daniels allowed to return to base to administer his antiserum when there were direct orders by top general to arrest him?

How is it possible to to manufacture the cure hours after you found the host which magically cures people on their deathbeds?


How was Rene Russo attracted to little tiny Dustman Hoffman in any way?

How did that dude manage to "accidentally" put his hand in a spinning centrifuge?

How did Spacey manage to rip his suit by walking away from the too short oxygen supply tube?

How did Russo manage to stab herself with that needle?


These don't make sense. Go write somewhere else and stop wasting my time.


They all happened in the same film and they all make as much sense as your "plot holes".

Truth is I was lampooning you for making such idiotic observations about a Hollywood blockbuster movie. Yet ironically you've landed up asking other people not to waste your time 😂

Good luck reaching self-awareness clever boy 👍


There's nothing idiotic about examples I've given. I saw this movie a long time ago and I genuinely asked if those issues had answers that would explain them. Perhaps I had forgotten or missed something? That happens frequently and does not make someone stupid. If my questions don't make sense why not simply answer them, Einstein? You seem like the kind of idiot that wastes his pathetic life's time on online forms to make fun of other people to feel better about yourself.


You seem like the kind of idiot that wastes his pathetic life's time on online forms to make fun of other people to feel better about yourself.

Ha ha - that's exactly what you did with your OP and your response to me!

Again, good luck achieving self-awareness...


Nope, I genuinely asked questions. Can you read? With my reply to you I was just hitting back. I don't pick fights with anyone for no reason like you.


There's nothing idiotic about examples I've given

"How is it possible to to manufacture the cure hours after you found the host which magically cures people on their deathbeds?"

So you consider that a genuine intelligent question then? Because either you do or therefore you were being an asshole in your original reply to me (rather than "hitting back") and clearly lacking in self awareness which is what I find highly entertaining...


How is it not a legit question? I'm no medical expert but as far as I know it takes years to develop a vaccine to a virus. In the movie this disease was literally melting away people's internal organs, yet they somehow magically recovered within hours. Doesn't seem realistic to me, but please enlighten my limited knowledge of medicine.

Also what about my other question?


How was Rene Russo attracted to little tiny Dustman Hoffman in any way?
very legit question


Why would the mother allow Daniels to use her 8 year old daughter as bait to lure an African monkey carrying a deadly virus closer so they could shoot it?


I attended a seminar on the science of this movie a number of years ago, in which they discussed your second question. Basically, it's not possible. The epidemiologists flat out said that developing an anti-viral medication within hours of finding the virus' host and making enough of it to go around the entire town is fantasy at best. Either that, or there's something wicked amazing about Cuba Gooding Jr's chemistry skills, in which case, they probably would have been able to figure something out by then.


How is it possible to to manufacture the cure hours after you found the host which magically cures people on their deathbeds?

ask the manufacturers of the covid vaccine. You question is legit


I have wondered that myself. If it takes just one second to manufacture one vaccine dose it would still take quite some time. At least 12.5 billion were administered, which means more than that were manufactured. At one second to manufacture that would take nearly 400 years.


One of the things I remember in this movie was that, albeit a little flushed, Rene Russo’s character still looked great after she took ill.
