More plot holes...

Ive spent some times looking through the boards and found alot of people talking about where they got the cigarettes or why the girl cant swim. But I can think of alot of other plot holes people havent discussed.

1.Where did they get guns and ammo from?
2. How can the Mariners shotgun work after being submerged?
3.Nearly no dry land = nearly no vegetation = no oxygen to breathe... The Mariner could because he had gills but noone else...
4.The whole world being covered by water wouldnt make the top of mount everest any hotter, it would still be a frozen tundra aswell as all of waterworld which would be at the same altitude.
5. Where did they get the gasoline for the jetskis?... There was crude oil shown in the smokers boat but you would need to distill it...
6.How did the woman not die from the pressure after being submerged several hundred feet underwater and resurfacing quickly?.(Yh I know it would be an anti-climax for them to go up extremely slowly)

I know its just a movie and its set in a comepletly fictional setting but I couldnt help being bothered by these impossibilities.


If that squiggly machine can change piss to drinking water, it can probably do the same to seawater.


there is no "probably" about them being able to refine their oil, since when the deacon opens the hatch and the old guy says something like there is only 4 and a half feet of crude oil left, the deacon then says to his buddy "how much is that when we refine it" and his buddy says something about not being enough to run their fleet for long leading the deacon to make the decision to cancel all outings except to hunt the girl

so yes, its explained


Wow, you're an idiot.

For starters...learn WTF a PLOT HOLE ACTUALLY ENTAILS. A plot hole is when one characters is blown up in a nuclear explosion at ground zero and then shows up unscathed to stab the villain in the back at the end of the film. Something unlikely or hard to believe is NOT A PLOT HOLE. A plot is a story-line. Something unlikely is just that....very unlikely. A plot hole is when something happens that is otherwise impossible to the story-line as proposed.

1. Ummm, where do they come from now? If anything, if the world were crumbling and sinking underwater, hoarding of munitions would be a key and common place event as law fails around everyone. Guns and ammo, gasoline, water, and canned goods would be involved in almost any major event. In this case, obviously boats and yachts would be key targets too.

2. It's a world covered with water, is it so hard to believe that they've modified weapons and rounds to avoid water trouble?

3. You fail Biology 101. In fact....the majority of the worlds oxygen comes from the ocean, not land-based plant life. It's algae and shallow sea-floor vegetation that help produce so much of our breathable oxygen.

4. I think you somehow managed to avoid the beginning of the film. Global warming caused the ice caps to melt. That led to the water rise. In the future, it will still be hotter, even high up. That means globally higher temperatures....even on Mt. Everest. Did you see icebergs?

5. First of all...gasoline is REFINED from crude oil....NOT distilled! Wow. Secondly, even crude oil...burns. It may not be great for engine health but even modern engines are capable of burning bio-fuels. We also don't know that they were not capable of refining oil in some manner. Heck, the Mariner had a small contraption that could refine clean water out of his own urine. This was a hint that they could likely do the same with oil.

6. Suspension of disbelief, derrp. They often fire more bullets than a gun can hold, one rope would hardly making a bungee cord for about 300 lbs. of people, and what are the chances when they find dry land that they stop on the shore within walking distance of the girls' dead parents' hut?

Aristophanes once wrote, roughly translated...



3: No. This is a common misconception. Let's take the example of Amazonia: lots of trees produce lots of oxygen, which is then used by said trees (who also breathe), and every living creature in the rainforest Basically, in terms of quantity, the amount of oxygen produced by trees in Amazonia is equivalent to the amount of oxygen consumed by Amazonia.

4: Huh... Why do you think the ice-caps melted? Global warming! Hence, Everest is warmer because all of Earth is warmer (plus every other reason given by other posters).


I've just read all of this and confess that I am baffled. This movie is fiction, SCIENCE fiction. When I think of all the 'plot holes' you could all find (and rant about) in the endless number of scifi books from the past.... and, gosh, if you were reading them back then you'd be listening to the endless disdainful commentary of persons who said 'impossible', 'preposterous', 'not scientifically probable', 'unrealistic', blah blah. Go to the moon? space travel? drones? Computers? AI? All previously science fiction. And we didn't dissect it, we just admired the minds that created it. And lived in those worlds...and words...for awhile. That's what fiction is for.

This isn't a 'film', it's an adventure. Hey, just fall into that!

ps: we now have people dressed only in body paint and a g-string - heinlein would be so pleased!



How come everyone starts turning into *beep* google scientists whenever a sci-fi movie comes out? You just show your ignorance. Practically every action movie Hollywood has ever produced is full of physical impossibilities. Complaining about something you had to read post-viewing just to make yourself feel smart does exactly the opposite.

Amy: I swear to God...I swear to God! That is NOT how you treat your human!


3.Nearly no dry land = nearly no vegetation = no oxygen to breathe... The Mariner could because he had gills but noone else...
Tiny ocean plants called phytoplankton contribute 50 to 85 percent of the oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere.


I must have missed the message at the beginning of this film that stated "what you are about to see is all based on concrete facts"...?????????


It's true that if the ice on the polar caps melted, the ocean would only rise and cover our current coastlines. But we are currently under a major crisis of losing a large amount of our topsoil from erosion. This is the result of unhealthy farming practices, excess construction, mining, etc. It's all just draining down the rivers into the oceans. The movie never says the year it takes place so theoretically it could be set hundreds of years in the future. Whether these factors would actually create a water covered world is debatable. I enjoyed the movie as science fiction/fantasy.
