MovieChat Forums > D3: The Mighty Ducks (1996) Discussion > VOTE: Who do you think is the Hottest p...

VOTE: Who do you think is the Hottest player?

Take a vote: Who do you think is the hottest player?

Boys: Girls:
Charlie Conway Connie Moreau
Fulton Reed Julie Gaffney
Guy Germaine
Lester Averman
Greg Goldberg
Dwayne Robertson
Adam Banks
Luis Mendoza
Ken Wu
Russ Tyler
Dean Portman

All these players are from D3...


Connie by far! she is beautiful, humorous, and is a brave player.


Adam Banks all the way!
Jack drinks jack, Jack drinks jack. Jack's got fans.
Catch ya on the flip side.


Charlie Conway .. To top it all off, he was the captain.


Luis Mendoza!!!!!! SO SEXY!!!!


DEAN PORTMAN!!!!! Bad-a$$ attitude and he's got the looks. And the stripping scene..... Charlie got hot for me in the third. I don't get why prople like Banks though.


I'm gonna take a moment and get back in touch with the geeky teeny bopper I was when this movie was released... if I knew these characters in real life I would have had a huge crush on Adam Banks but would have dated Dwayne. Darn Southern boys. Luckily I am all grown up now and do have my very own cowboy :)

To the poster that asked if anyone felt awkward judging hotness on a bunch of people who had barely reached puberty - it doesnt bother me simply because I grew up with these movies and remember which ones I thought were cute. My answer is based on how I felt 10+ yrs ago and love the nostalgic feeling this thread gave me.


It would definately have to be Banksie for me. I love him in every movie!!!! by far my fav character and he's soooooo damn hot!!!!! so yeah. Adam Banks is the hottest. Runner Ups: Luis Mendoza and Charlie Conway, but Adam Banks tops all of them.


#99 Adam Banks. There is no debate.





I use to have the biggest crushes on Adam and Charlie, but the Adam one was bigger, so Adam.

Clark's destiny = Superman, Lex Luthor & Lois Lane.


i was in loooove with mike vitar aka luis mendoza! Guy Germaine came second, adam banks came in third.


Just watched this again and that save from Adam....*swoon*.

So Banksies got my vote followed by Conway in a very close second.

Make him do it again - Ilithyia
The voice says I'm almost out of minutes - Cas


In order for me

1. Charlie Conway
2. Adam Banks
3. Luis Mendoza (hello...The Sandlot)
4. Guy Germaine
5. Dean Portman
6. Fulton Reed
7. Averman
8. Dwayne
9. Kenny
10. Goldberg
11. Russ


1. Guy
2. Adam
3. Charlie
