MovieChat Forums > Escape from L.A. (1996) Discussion > The ending would make Snake the biggest ...

The ending would make Snake the biggest mass murder ever.

A another reason why people don't like this film is that it makes Snake out to be the world's biggest mass murder! think about it, planes would fall out of the sky and crash, hospital life surport systems would shut off, life would become hell on earth and innocent people would die. Snake's an anti-hero yes but not a cold careless heartless murder!


So what? If I was in the same position I would do the same. What's so special about people that they shouldn't die? People as a species suck.


That's the single most disgusting thing I've read in a long time.
Where do misanthropic psychos like you breed?


I consider it a plothole. Seems obvious that John Carpenter didn't spend half as much time thinking about his script as the people in this thread did.

The ending symbolizes Snake bringing things back to zero, where everyone is on the same playing field again. I sincerely doubt Carpenter thought beyond that.




I don't think Snake is a bad guy, but he's not a good guy either. He's an antihero who is simply out for himself but does has some moral qualities to him. Since the scenario he's in would've otherwise ended with a hypocritical, theocratic tyrant executing his own daughter, taking out all of the invaders who were very close to U.S. shores, grabbing the rest of the world by the balls with his super weapon, and very likely have Snake get killed on way or another, I think Snake was in the right when he brought everyone back to zero by using the super weapon on the whole world. It was the only way to prevent the world being taking over by a fanatical tyrant and is in fact the lesser of two evils in the long run. Better to start over free than be ruled over by tyranny, even if it is going to result in MANY deaths in the short run.

Also, there was a decent person in L.A. She was Taslima, who was simply deported to L.A. for being a muslim. Other than that, she's an entirely decent person from what was seen of her before she died.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


kurt russell supposedly conceived and wrote the ending.
