MovieChat Forums > Escape from L.A. (1996) Discussion > John Carpenter thinks Kurt has two more ...

John Carpenter thinks Kurt has two more Snake Plissken films in him

Speaking to Total Film recently, Carpenter said that he could really see Snake Plissken returning in two more stories. Although it is unlikely that Carpenter would direct another outing for the character in a movie, with his interest in directing in general having waned lately, and Russell would most likely be too old to play the character even if Carpenter was up for it, that doesn't mean that the Snake couldn't be seen again in another medium.

"He's a character that Kurt is passionately fond of. He convinced me to do the sequel," John Carpenter told Total Film. "There's probably a third or maybe even fourth story about Snake. I don't know if we'll ever make it, but I think that he deserves it."


Escape from LA should have never been made and proved the character should have been left alone.


Not a huge fan of Escape-movies or the Snake Plissken character, but it would be nice to see Carpenter direct once more.


There's room for, and should be, one more Plissken film. Old Man Snake. The whole world is an apocalyptic hell hole. Escape from Earth. And it should satire the future of all this private space travel that's going on right now. And the obvious eventual future of the Elite living in the stars and Earth being a prison planet.


yes exactly. like Elysium but fun


An old man Snake movie would saddle Snake with a wisecracking young lesbian with half of her head shaved telling Snake his masculinity is toxic. No thanks.


Living in outer space would suck, it’s cramped and confined and zero gravity means that your muscles will atrophy within a relatively short period of time. I’m sure the rich would rather live in a mansion on Earth.


i like the fact that kurt wrote the sequel. i think it's a great movie, i watch it all the time.
