MovieChat Forums > Michael Collins (1996) Discussion > Look Britain, check it out.

Look Britain, check it out.

Ireland belongs to the people of Ireland. England whored Irish law, land and tongue through the penal laws and *beep* the Irish people over for x times infinity. This is without dispute and is not up for debate.

The fact that Ian Paisley today considers that he has a fair claim to the North is disgusting, as he's a human spit-bucket and would be better served in prison with the rest of the terrorists. The fact that he is trying to block the irish language act is revolting and is further proof that he is intolerant to native culture. The only plus side is that death is knocking on his elderly door soon enough.. Not that it will help because he's *beep* the system by breeding another rat bigot in his son, who's already shown hatred to the gay community and catholic community.

So listen up Brits - We the people of Ireland are sick of your *beep* Begone, depart Ireland. Never return. You don't belong here and you never have. Your union jack is a god-awful flag, symbolic of imperialism. Your absurd views on current foreign politics such as Iraq strengthens my current views on you that you are an imperialist-globalist state - still to this day! PS: Your prime minister is a Scotsman with an English accent.. Identity check, please!

Leave the beautiful people of Ireland & Scotland alone - and any other unfortunate people you managed to *beep* over during the course of your horrid existance.

Yours sincerly,


Wise up. There'll be a United Ireland when we VOTE for it.

I personally get the feeling the British Parliament can't be bothered with us anymore, however you Irish don't have some of the benefits that the British do.

Also I want to give Northern Ireland just being a separate country a go because the Northern Irish seem to be very proud of being Northern Irish. :P


Yep, we're ready when you are.

For the last 800 years England has only been interested in Ireland and Scotland as they both provide an open back door to the French and the Spanish and anyone else who wants to stir up trouble. The Irish and the Scots have both been willing and eager to invite England's enemies ashore any time they feel like fighting.

Now that pan-European institutions have pretty much brought an end to that threat, you can both be off any time you like.



75% top tax rate and Alex Salmond in charge. How we'll laugh.

No one keener on Irish, Welsh and Scottish Independence than the English.



You might think I'm out of place here, since I'm from Eastern Europe, but I'll write down my opinion. Sometimes a third party review seems like the best thing. :D
There might be many reasons back in history for which the english would want to keep Northern Ireland for themselves, but do they need it now? We're living in the 21st century after all.
I'm not sure though how much independent are the nortern irish, and to what extent the british have control over things out there. But i do rezlize it's an extremely complicated conflict, but i can imagine it, since my people have been through the same.
The British Empire is no more, and if there are so many irish living in England/UK, then they shoud raise their voices for finding a solution on this problem.
The main thing, which should be heared in this conflict is whether the nortern irish want to join Eire... because I know, that most of the people there are catholics, and there are plenty of prods in the north. So in a way, the nortern irish are different people, maybe they would fear being discriminated or something.
My country (Bulgaria) was separated by a number of treaties in the past also, and the people from Macedonia, who were our brothers just a century ago were brainwashed by the serbs and now they hate us. xD Those macedonians are very interesting people btw. :D They speak bulgarian dialect, but they hate us, they are not civilized people with historical knowledge and you can't conversate withem in a civilize way, cuz they were thought and raised with lies for 50-100 years.
You don't want that to happen in Northern Ireland, and that's why you should try to solve this problem right NOW, in the 21st century, before the nortern irish have decided that they should have a separate country from Eire. Now that IRA is disarmed this might be very likely to happen in 50 or more years...

I write this because i'm very sympathetic to the irish people, also the basque people, catalonians and other opressed peoples. My people were opressed for 700 years (200 years by the byzantine empire, 500 years by the turkish Empire and 50 years by the soviet empire), and we gained our freedom at a very high cost, having been ruled by the communists for more than 50 years, just because the empires decided to separate our country and leave us to the commies. Before that the english and the french supported the ottoman empire, closing their eyes and ears to the savages and the outrage done by the latter.
I'm sick of empires, and every nation who decides that they are the greatest and start acting and policing the world like such... Guess who i meant. :D


Please be careful when using the terms "Macedonians" and "Macedonia". Macedonia is a part of Greece for more than 2,500 years, Macedonians are Greeks for as long as they keep written records. If you are referring to the ones that inhabit the country known as FYROM, then they may as well be Bulgarians (or Albanians or whatever) but they are NOT Macedonians!

Cute and cuddly boyz!!
