Favorite Peggy moments?

It seems like a lot of people find her to be annoying, but she is my favorite character! I think she's hilarious! The way she thinks so highly of herself, and how she's constantly tooting her own horn, combined with her pure ignorance is priceless. Peggy Hill, in my opinion, has some of the best lines in the show...

"Swing? Absolutely not! You get Nancy, and I end up with Dale? Who's the clear winner there? Dale!"

"Now, I am not a professional psychologist, but I AM an amateur psychologist..."

"Maybe I should come up with a game that other people have a chance at. It's gonna be tough to find one that doesn't give me an advantage."

"Don't worship me, worship my actions!"

Share your favorites!


"Genetic as in 'fatal'?"

"Did you even see how cool those other parent were? They were like Chandler and Monica. And look at us, Andy Griffith and Aunt fah-reakin B!"

Formerly Eclectic_Flamingo


When she jumped out of the plane and her chute didn't open. That was hilarious.

"I'm not scared of Hell. It's just Heaven for bad people." - The Doctor


Translated from Spanish:

"You're honor, I can see that you're a reasonable horse. I'm just pregnant about what happened to Lupe. She ate my bus accident, when all I wanted to do was turn Lupe into a book. I'm too young to spend the rest of my days in a cigar factory."


"Look at that eagle flying that rabbit out of harms way, disaster really brings out the best in everyone".


Luanne Platter you will not leave this house looking all glammed up like Phyllis Diller.


As Dale explains the "buddy tunnel" he built between his and Hank's house, Dale says to Hank, "I can use it when the Feds are after me, and you can use it to hide from any jealous husbands."

Then Peggy butts in with a big smile, "Dale, there will ALWAYS be men jealous of Hank for marrying me. He can't escape them." Clearly she misinterpreted Dale's words.


When she uses the backgammon case as a briefcase.

When she insists on calling the Propaniacs the Propane Maniacs.


When Hank was explaining how Enrique was leaning obsessively on him for emotional support, and Peggy says very seriously, "There's a term in Mexico for that: 'amigo'." Hank pauses and continues saying, "But we're not that," obviously understanding the word better than Peggy who considers herself fluent in Spanish.


"That is how I saved Christmas."


Peggy sticking her head out the window while Hank is driving:

"I can see why Ladybird likes this!"


Peggy with Wes Archer in the prison!!

bringing in drugs.
thinking she taught him as a substitute teacher.
Translating: 'Peggy Hill es Bueno' for some long sentence.

that whole episode is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

