MovieChat Forums > Contact (1997) Discussion > Matthew Mcconaughey is utterly useless i...

Matthew Mcconaughey is utterly useless in this.

I'm glad he's become a good actor in recent years, but watching his performance in this is painfull.

Jodi Foster on the other hand is brilliant in this. Also James Woods did a great job.


Agree also here. Jodie Foster was very good in this film.


Yes, he really got on my nerves as well in this movie. Plus, like Ebert said, why does he all of the sudden pop up EVERYWHERE important, attend White House meetings, on the board to determine who goes, etc. Just because he's written a few books?

"Hey, let me ask you a question, bonehead: Why are you trying to ki-ki-ki-killllll me?!?!?"


He's shoehorned in for the prettyboy factor.



Maybe it's the religious factor that makes him so terrible



The albino was Jake Busey. Son of Gary Busey. He's also in Starship Troopers. I thought his character was kinda cheesy in this film but then he was supposed to be playing a total nutcase. Haha.


I was really surprised by how mediocre actor he used to be - I expected much better because I am used to watching the older and greater Mcconaughey.

And I also disagree that Foster was better. Seldom have I seen a lead actor whine so much during a movie. She seemed histrionic 70% of the time. A bit like Sandra Bullock in Gravity. Doesn't seem as a scientists at all. I actually don't remember any good acting from her in any movie - she is bland. Like a cartoon character overacting all the time - but not in the lead role. Better fit for a more childish movie I think.


He's not really become a good actor. He's just been hyped properly in the right roles. He's not terrible like Keanu Reeves but in Contact he's out of his league with the likes of Foster and Skerrit and I guess he's been luckier in recent movies not to be outmatched.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Nah I didn't think he was outmatched at all. His character called for subtle emotion, which often gets confused with being a poor actor or "phoning it in". But I thought he did a good job.


I also agree that he has not become a good actor. But I will say this: Somehow someone was able to get a good performance out of him in Dallas Buyers' Club. He was so good in that that I was surprised (I believe either the director was responsible for this, or perhaps some sort of acting coach in preparations for the role).

I agree also that he was a pain to watch in Contact. Every single moment of dialogue from him felt so insincere. I mean, his entire persona borderlined on d*uchebag the entire time. It was subtle d*ucheness, but d*ucheness nonetheless.

Someone above suggested that maybe his role as the religious champion may have been part of what made him difficult to watch here. I do agree, but I also feel a different actor would have pulled it off much better. Despite all this, however, he was not nearly as bad here as he was in Interstellar. Ouch.

Foster was fantastic. Woods is always great, even if his character was a bit antagonistic. Skerrit was good as the total bastard-assh&le. Bassette particularly had a great brief monologue where she recited her lines flawlessly. The practically legendary John Hurt was perfect as usual in his moments. Perfect film all around, despite the blot that is McConaughey. Even Rob Lowe did good with his annoyingly religious southern politician character. Shout-outs to Yuji Okomoto in his brief scenes, and also the blind character was also well-performed.

He's not terrible like Keanu Reeves but...
Reeves may be bad most of the time, but he was pretty decent in Point Break, and damn-good in The Devil's Advocate.

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


that's what I love about these Vegan aliens, man.. I get older, they stay the same age

Welcome to the El Flamingo, Jeffrey!
Don't piss in the pool, Jeffrey.


I completely agree. He's only in the film because the writer/director thought that a romantic interest is mandatory for every movie. His tacked-on character adds absolutely nothing to the film's story or wider themes, nor is he much to watch in the acting department.

In contrast, the rest of the supporting cast - Hurt, Woods, Skerritt etc. are great and essential to the plot.


I think he was fine. Y'all are overreacting.
