MovieChat Forums > Event Horizon (1997) Discussion > This movie made me angry

This movie made me angry

This movie made me angry, I wanted to rip it apart. There weren't really any moments that made me want to believe in it. The movie constantly had something that made me want to turn it off.

Unlike Alien, you can feel that the characters are real people. Their reactions feel real. They are like "space truck drivers" that accidentally come across a SOS signal in space, and then something goes wrong. But with this movie, everything is already wrong.

For instance, if this was such an important mission. Why didn't they explain the mission to all the crew members before they went so that they knew what to expect? Well atleast a little, they could've planned it better.

Like the reaction Wier gets from one of the crew members when he first explains it is a secret mission, bla bla, for Event Horizion. And the guy *beep* and then stand up and is about to leave... What? What kind of attitude is that. Who hired him? He keeps being really stupid, like when he docks to the ship. The actual engineer of the Event Horizon is saying, "That is not a good place to dock", but do it anyway.

Also when Wier is about to explain faster than light travel. "But that's not possible" , "Because theory of relativity.." with a really bad know-it-all attitude. I was just thinking ...Well, I guess they're the experts then, I guess this mission is stupid, let's go home...

Why do so many of the crew behave like immature teenagers. Why would they send people like that on such an important and probably expensive mission. I felt like I was humiliated, or like I was in school surrounded by bullies.

I guess in the future, you can send anyone in to space really cheap. So it doesn't really matter what kind of people they send.

Reminds me of Prometheus crew.


To address one point: Ever heard the term "need to know basis"? If they're told what their specific mission is before they leave, they can tell their friends, family, etc. Information could very easily be leaked, and for whatever reason, it was deemed to important to take the chance that the information could go public.

"You're going to need a bigger boat." - Chief Brody


Well the reason obviously being "Holy Cracker, the Event Horizon DIDN'T blow up, but disappeared for 7 years! The media fed us lies! This thing went missing!"

So that is why they weren't told what kind of mission it was. Also you clearly see the reactions of the crew, when Weir told them about it. They weren't comfortable at all. Some of them (Smitty for sure) would've turned the job down straight away.

And the reason why they were smartasses towards Weir was because they didn't really like him.


i just watched it and can only agree with you. as you i could go into detail and list everything that felt wrong with the plot and characters, and people would counter my arguments to defend the movie. but in the end it wouldn't make a difference, because i'd still find it unrealistic, illogical and arbitrary to the point of stupidity for the most part.

what i don't understand is why there aren't more movies where writers and directors value realism and authenticity more and not let the characters act in dumb ways, just so the "plot" can unravel and they can throw in a few more effects and jump-scares.
i'm not just regarding this movie, but in fact the majority of action/sci-fi/horror flicks. just because the actions of your characters are believable and sound (in the universe they play in!) doesn't mean you can't build a good script/movie around it - quite in the contrary! i'd even go as far as to say, if you can't create a story with believable and relatable characters and actions, maybe it is not so great after all...

also you're spot on mentioning prometheus, i had the same thought.


Well said OP and fst5000. I totally agree.

I still like this film, but the plot and characters' reactions could have been much much better and "believable".

For within each death there is always a new life, a new beginning - Dillon, Alien 3


I agree aswell, and while I am no means a die hard fan of Alien I do feel that the characters were much more realistic.


I saw it in the theater when it came out - thought it SUCKED HARD. I always wanted to revisit it, for *beep* n giggle but seeing alot of hate on it here makes me think my initial reaction was right on (as isn't always the case with movies we saw with a younger frame of mind).

You deal with it.


The first time I watched it, when it first came out, I thought it was dull.

But I do enjoy it now. It's not perfect, but it is enjoyable. I've seen many a worse horror movie. And forget the sci-fi. To me it's squarely in horror territory.


It is called drama - films, stories aren't supposed to strive for realism - if that's what you want watch reality tv and documentaries. A film doesn't have to be realistic to be believable its all in the context of the story. if you want realism then you shouldnt be watching films like this at all.


Guys, you've woken up the IMDB zombies.

Ooooohhhh it's just a movie. Ghaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa if you don't smile like an idiot and clap your hands at anything moving on the screen, maybe you shouldn't be, khaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ooooooohhhhhh, watching movies at all....

Ghaaaaaaaaaa........ I don't like thinking for me self, it gives me HEADACHES!!!!!!!


Actually it's about having the intelligence to know what to expect from different genres and movies in general. Some are clever. Some are stupid. Both can be enjoyed for what they are. So maybe think for yourself BEFORE watching a movie about a spaceship going to hell and expecting a mind-bendingly realistic brain teaser. u


So maybe think for yourself BEFORE watching a movie about a spaceship going to hell and expecting a mind-bendingly realistic brain teaser.

But that's not an excuse. Lots of films have crazy story-lines or fantastical ideas, but they're still realistic in that the characters behave in a manner that's understandable. Films like Ghostbusters, Predator and Alien are all odd films, but the characters obey the rules of that universe and act in a way that we recognise as realistic. It's nothing to do with genre and more to do with characterisation.

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Lol realism in a sci-fi go through a black hole come back with something before "light existed" that kills everyone. Okay.


1) Maybe watch the Alien movies again. In the first one, they don't run across the SOS signal by accident, that was planned, as revealed later by Bishop. And in the second Alien movie they do exactly the same: Briefing they crew at the last possible moment, when the ship reached it's destination. Prometheus does the same thing.

2) The obvious reason why they get briefed that late is because it's a secret mission, doh. Did you miss all the stuff about the lies told to the public? They can't risk to tell them beforehand because then a) they can tell other people and b) would probably not participate.

3) The reason they were so upset was also explained: They were forced to do this mission even though they were about to take vacation. That would piss you off as well if you had a job like that. They also didn't like Wier. And most likely they didn't like being involved into a government conspiracies.

4) Why not assign someone else to that mission then? Many possible reasons.
a) You'd eventually run into the same problems with other crew members.
b) Sometimes you simply want the best out there. Maybe this crew is the A-Team of spacetravel.
c) It's 2047 or something like that. I am pretty sure by that time spacetravel still isn't that common that a job like space-rescue is an everyday job like taxi driver. They probably didn't have many crews to choose from.

Considering 3 and 4 also explains why some of the crew act childishly from time to time. If you are doing a rare but important job that only some dozens of persons are able to do, you can get away with that. You complained that the characters didn't feel real as opposed to your space truckers? To me they felt real explicitly because of the antics of some of them. Especially with a captain like Miller (Fishburn). You just know that, even though they are bitching like teenagers, at the end of the day, these people get *beep* done.
Ask yourself: If they all acted calm, rational and professional at all times, what would you have thought then? I tell you, you would still have complained about them not feeling like real characters, you would complain that they all act like robots.

Despite, all of your complaints target things that happen in the first 20 or so miniutes. If that's all you didn't like, the movie should still be decent for you?


Somebody needed to choke on their spaghetti or cornbread rations then it'd of been more realistic.


^^^^^^^^^^ Well said, puschit!!!


^^^^^^^^^^ Well said, puschit!!!


Maybe watch the Alien movies again. In the first one, they don't run across the SOS signal by accident, that was planned, as revealed later by Bishop.

I know that, but you don't really know until later in the movie like you said.

The obvious reason why they get briefed that late is because it's a secret mission, doh. Did you miss all the stuff about the lies told to the public? They can't risk to tell them beforehand because then a) they can tell other people and b) would probably not participate.

Send grown ups next time.


Send grown ups next time.



Why are you getting your anus all puckered out of shape over criticisms towards this movie. Can you not accept that this movie is full of flaws and holes?

I'll make this simple. You can debate the points all you want, but that won't make this bad movie into a good movie, except in your own head. You're not convincing anyone.


This is a discussion board. People do discussions here. Where is your problem with that?


Unlike Prometheus briefing.
1/ In E.H. This is a military & rescue mission - Furthermore it is said that it is a Top secret mission.


Yeah, it's a cheap trope but bear in mind this is a horror movie at heart. I counted like 5 bad decisions inside a minute by these rescue professionals that could have let them figure things out or get off before people started dying, but if they had carefully solved the problem there'd be far less gore.


Oh really do tell what kind of 5 bad decisions these were?

And do remember that the essence of these sci-fi horror movies is when these people come across supernatural events that they like the rest of us wouldn't believe in at first, but which they slowly come to acknowledge.
Ask yourself if you went to a ship on the ocean and your crew began claiming to have seen supernatural things individually, would you at first just go along and say "You're right the ship is haunted"? 'Cause if you would I must say that you are the only one that I know of who would.

When you watch these movies you need to realize that these characters don't know that it's a sci-fi horror. These people are meant to be like us saying "supernatural things only happens in movies", so of course they don't jump to supernatural conclusions at first hand.
You watch this movie, knowing that it's a sci-fi so you probably expect something supernatural in the blot, but the characters don't. Just keep that in mind.


I did like that when Miller saw the ship's log he immediately had a "check please!" reaction. No sticking around to find out what might be at the root of all the strange behavior, just a quick, pragmatic, Time To Go decision that got fouled up by the forces working against them.


I did like that when Miller saw the ship's log he immediately had a "check please!" reaction. No sticking around to find out what might be at the root of all the strange behavior, just a quick, pragmatic, Time To Go decision that got fouled up by the forces working against them.

Lol, I appreciated that as well. He and Smithy were the best characters for me because they were all about high-tailing it out of there.

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I agree with the OP.. I wouldn't say it made me angry, it became annoying, so i just started skipping ahead out of curiosity. This movie would have only lasted maybe 30 mins. tops, if every one would have used common sense.

The moment the african american guy said: "Justin wasn't there, then suddenly he was coming out of the gravity core" or whatever the hell it was.

The Dr. began telling him.. "You're delusional, you didn't see anything. You don't know what you saw".. okay, i would PROBABLY have let that pass.. BUT I would also trust w working crew member's judgement before trusting the observation of a person with a PHD.. (poor hassled and depressed)..

Then, the next crew member says: "I saw my son covered on the examination table with his legs covered in lesions."

Mr. P.H.D. stands there AGAIN and starts telling her: "You didn't see that, you were hallucinating. You're delusional."

Then the Captain says "I saw and FELT heat coming off of this dead man - and" -

You guessed it - Dr. Dumb ass gets in their faces and states: "You're hallucinating, you're delusional"..

How many damn times does a person have to repeatedly observe this damn line in the script to NOT predict what's going to happen??

What's even more ironic in the script? The crew member starts "flailing" at Dr. Dumbass - which is actually "pretend fighting" to ramp up the tension. And the other crew member in order to calm down the "flailing" or "supposedly combative" crew member - puts a SCALPEL to his neck as if to slit his throat - to calm him down.. Not Smart? but that's just acting. Putting a scalpel to an already pissed grown man's neck does not calm him down.. it REALLY pisses him off.

Then we have Justin who put's his hand in the gravity core - gets sucked in, and spat back out. Is in shock or a coma.. Half the side of the Lewis and Clark is blown off because of the gravity core - and Dr. Dumbass swears: "Don't worry, it's safe".

Yep, folks, that P.H.D. comes in handy. It allows people to say the most moronic observations - with authority.

Sorry after the kid gets spat out, i would have dropped the second half of the Event Horizon (with Dr. Dumbass included) like it was a bad habit, and high tailed it home.

There's just no sign of common sense in a horror movie - and this is just another form of evidence.


I counted like 5 bad decisions inside a minute

Because horror flicks are ALL ABOUT making the RIGHT decisions yeah? "whats that noise?" "I dunno but the safest thing to do is to go outside in the dark and search. Not together, we have to split up to cover more ground" Horror 101


It's fine that people who managed to like this movie are defending it, but in my opinion (and i'm guessing i'm not alone here) this movie really was not good enough or well-written enough for me to be interested in trying to fill in/rationalize the myriad cracks/holes in the the film's plot and overall logic. In short: EH bored me.

The scientific inaccuracies were countless and blatantly idiotic, something that generally shakes my interest in any sci-fi concept. Also, it samples it's plot elements in large doses from top-notch movies like Alien and Solaris, putting it IMO in the *beep* end of the sci-fi genre.

And the horror elements, while intriguing and potentially unsettling in the original cut, were ultimately over-played yet underdeveloped and fairly contrived and convoluted. Things just happened, and the why and how were either absent or insufficient for me to care.
The characters and acting both lack depth or substance.

The only things that are worth recognizing are the visuals: the impressive(yet often implausible/inane)set design, the horror imagery/gore effects, decent looking models, the brightly colored tunnels and passages, and one awesome shot of a space station.

I went in wanting to like it, hoping the critical consensus was wrong. Sadly, those are the reasons why i didn't.


Then you are gay, my friend.


You don't think the characters in Alien are like real people?! Alien trumps the *beep* out of this movie. In my opinion, Event Horizon is a poorly constructed psychological version of Alien.

The editing wasn't fantastic and at some points the effects were laughable. This movie is okay, but in comparison to Alien, it doesn't come close.


Thanks for the post.

I never saw this movie mainly because it has hollywood stars in it. Don't get me wrong I love a good hollywood movie, but Sci-Fi and Horror movies should have no-name actors in them (more believable imo). On occasion I can stomach a hollywood star in those genre's, and that is most sci-fi/horror movies made before 1984. The newer cgi/digital hollywood sci-fi/horror movies are tbs movies of the weak. I have a hard time watching La Bamba(Supernova) in space.

I agree with you on the script needing work. It makes for a bad film when you have more questions than were ever intended. There really isn't that many great sci-fi films that make you want to see it immediately after you just watched it. Or even want you to see it again, ever. I tend to lean toward independent sci-fi films for realism.

I also agree with you on Prometheus. Such a shame, that movie had so much potential. 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Andromeda Strain and Alien are a few of the last great sci-fi films ever made.


2001: A Space Odyssey,

I finally watched the above (Space Odyssey) over the summer after hearing all the raving about it, and because I love sci-fi...I thought it was a bore-fest and it takes a LOT to bore me. <shrug> I love classic film, but just because something is old doesn't make it good, although they can def be both.


I finally watched the above (Space Odyssey) over the summer after hearing all the raving about it, and because I love sci-fi...I thought it was a bore-fest and it takes a LOT to bore me. <shrug> I love classic film, but just because something is old doesn't make it good, although they can def be both.

It really is (a bore-fest). 2001 was perfect for its time (I was a child when it came out but old enough to understand the concept) and I watched it again just before 2010 was released. Both times I really enjoyed it. The last time I watched it though was about two weeks ago and, even after all these years having not seen it, it was all I could do stay awake through it.

Bottom line...if you are a child of the sixties or prior, you can appreciate it for what it was. Born after that, probably not.

You have my word as an inveterate cheat.
