MovieChat Forums > Event Horizon (1997) Discussion > This movie made me angry

This movie made me angry

This movie made me angry, I wanted to rip it apart. There weren't really any moments that made me want to believe in it. The movie constantly had something that made me want to turn it off.

Unlike Alien, you can feel that the characters are real people. Their reactions feel real. They are like "space truck drivers" that accidentally come across a SOS signal in space, and then something goes wrong. But with this movie, everything is already wrong.

For instance, if this was such an important mission. Why didn't they explain the mission to all the crew members before they went so that they knew what to expect? Well atleast a little, they could've planned it better.

Like the reaction Wier gets from one of the crew members when he first explains it is a secret mission, bla bla, for Event Horizion. And the guy *beep* and then stand up and is about to leave... What? What kind of attitude is that. Who hired him? He keeps being really stupid, like when he docks to the ship. The actual engineer of the Event Horizon is saying, "That is not a good place to dock", but do it anyway.

Also when Wier is about to explain faster than light travel. "But that's not possible" , "Because theory of relativity.." with a really bad know-it-all attitude. I was just thinking ...Well, I guess they're the experts then, I guess this mission is stupid, let's go home...

Why do so many of the crew behave like immature teenagers. Why would they send people like that on such an important and probably expensive mission. I felt like I was humiliated, or like I was in school surrounded by bullies.

I guess in the future, you can send anyone in to space really cheap. So it doesn't really matter what kind of people they send.

Reminds me of Prometheus crew.


Mainly, because a movie like this would be incredibly boring with "by the book, genius, follow all procedures and codes" characters. It's a sci/fi/thriller/horror movie... not Apollo 13.


...and you could probably blame the producers for not giving Anderson the breathing space to make the film he had in mind. New directors are an absolute pushover in maimstream films. As a result, it's a frustrating movie, because you get moments where the film is holding back, but it was such a great idea! Anderson's original cut went for over 2 hours, and now clocks in at 97 minutes.
I think we were robbed.


"Why do so many of the crew behave like immature teenagers. Why would they send people like that on such an important and probably expensive mission. I felt like I was humiliated".

Exactly! that is what I felt as well. However the reason is clear for me. It is just a movie which is supposed to entertain normal people in the weekend. Majority of these people are teenagers. So what do you expect?
It is hard to find a sci-fi movie with as realistic and logical events as possible. Because the pure reality looks far "lame" and "boring" to the eyes of people in theater hall. It is just a wrong place to see this.


I just rewatched it and was surprised how comparatively good the first ten minutes were. Then everything gets progressively stupider, with the crew making bad decisions (the first thing I'd do if people suffered from sudden hallucinations would be to pair people up and hope that one person could calm the other one down), and the enemy being the sort of generic Cartoon Evil that writing books recommend against because it's so two-dimensional. I couldn't take anything that happened in the last half hour remotely seriously; it was just random "scary" stuff and buckets of blood with no logic or reason. And yeah, it reminded me a bit of Prometheus; the Event Horizon crew was slightly smarter(!), but the enemy was even more stupid and random, and they obviously didn't have the designers and budget that at least made Prometheus really pretty to look at.



"Suspension of disbelief" - educate yourself


I did not like this movie either. The supernatural does not belong in a science fiction movie. Horror, yes, as evidenced in Alien as the best example. Another dimension of the Universe, chaos or hell, just made me laugh. Wish I had my 2 hours back. What a waste of money.


Lol of alien is a horror movie then jurassic park movie are too. No theybare thrillers. And EH is a horror movie not suppose to be marketed as sci fi and because they did thats why people hate it


my favourite sci-fi. great movie


In my eyes this is more of a horror flick than a sci-fi. Anyone with any real experience with this genre knows that continuity and realism are always played about with very heavily. As a horror I thought it was quite entertaining.

As for Prometheus I thought it had some pretty great production value . The acting and actual storyline didn't do much for me at all but I appreciate a lot of the photography work Ridley Scott did on that picture.


They were pulled off a long deserved leave to chase what they thought was a ghost ship. They were sent further then any successful rescue mission had ever been done. So they are tired, angry and have been taken advantage of.
