MovieChat Forums > The Jackal (1997) Discussion > Did anybody else laugh when Jack Black g...

Did anybody else laugh when Jack Black got his arm blown off?

When that happened I laughed my ass off but then my brother said I was a psycho for laughing. That is true, but not because I hate Jack Black, but because it was just so sudden. Anyway, anybody else find it amusing?

Insert witty quote




everything was funny cept that was funny when he said run




No, I found it horrifying. It was just so cold-blooded. And not only does he murder the guy for trying to extort more money, but he has him hold out the cigarettes, giving him hope that maybe he will live through it, if the gun hits the cigs, but then his arm gets blown off. And the Jackal doesn't care at all, it's nothing to him, because he is a sociopath. And he then continues to use him to test his weapon. It's just so cruel. Extreme cruelty is not funny to me.



Of course I laughed. He got what he deserved.

Thinking that it would be a good idea to blackmail the guy you've just built an auto-cannon-mount for ... pretty stupid and certainly worthy of a gory death.



This scene is hilarious!

"Bulls**t MR.Han Man!!"--Jim Kelly in Enter the Dragon


Definitely not for me. I hate/dislike Bruce Willis just for that scene. I watched it when I watched the movie for the first time, after that I always fast forwarded.
What I like the most of the Jackal is Daniel Dae Kim and Diane Venora.

Kim impressed me as a sniper with his appearance, somehow like the way Kate Moss did with her early famous pictures.
Kate: not this picture but in that series, around 1997


its a pity it wasnt for real



If you've ever seen his "Pick of Destiny" shorts with all the nauseating blowjob scenes and gallons of cum all over his and his friends faces, then you'd take special delight in watching him get blown away. I know I did!

I'm not kidding. Check it out if you don't believe me.

We got a job.
What kind?
...The Forever Kind.


No. Black's character is not appealing but the way the Jackal plays with him in the "speed test" scene is pretty sadistic. Also, it makes a contrast with the equivalent scene in the 1973 film which is in most respects a better film. In that one, the Jackal kills the forger quickly with his bare hands after he attempts to blackmail him. When Lamont attempts to blackmail him here, he takes him out with an automatic cannon after sadistically messing with him. The first Jackal is coldly professional, Willis has a more obvious cruel streak.
When I went to see this at the time of its release, I don't remember anyone cheering the "arm blown off" scene. I do remember a few cheering when the Jackal suddenly kills the gay government worker. I suspect it was an expression of dislike for homosexuals.

"Chicken soup - with a *beep* straw."
