MovieChat Forums > Virus (1999) Discussion > Jamie Lee Curtis: 'Virus is an Unbelieva...

Jamie Lee Curtis: 'Virus is an Unbelievably Bad Movie'

She tells WENN:

"That's a piece of s**t movie. It's an unbelievably bad movie; just bad from the bottom.

There's a scene where I'm running away from this alien and I actually hide under the stairs.

I come down some stairs and then duck up underneath them and I'm quivering and this big thing comes down the stairs and I'm freaking hiding under the stairs!

This is something that can open walls of steel and I'm hiding under stairs!

It was maybe the only time I've known something was just bad and there was nothing I could do about it. I just do the best I can and there have been bad movies that have been wildly successful and great movies that have tanked, so you never know.

It was an independent precursor to all of these Marvel comics movies. I thought maybe that fan base would show up for it, but no."


I liked it anyway.


I actually liked the atmosphere, and the way the robots and cyborgs were designed. The thing that bothered me most was Curtis' acting, so I think she should think twice before criticizing a movie that she helped ruin...

hello good sir!


It was ok,for this felt like an entertaining sci fi channel movie
7/10,Halloween resurrection is a worse movie

You want tah fack wit me? You ah fACKING chioah boi compahed tu me ah chioah boi


Perhaps she is the reason we have not gotten true Lies 2 then, lol. as the director of Virus is one of James Cameron's close friends and most of the crew also work with JC regularly.
