MovieChat Forums > Armageddon (1998) Discussion > What's the difference between this movie...

What's the difference between this movie and 'Deep Impact'?

They both were released in the same year (a month apart in fact), both similar premises (asteroid coming to hit earth), and very nearly the same IMDB scores too.

Oh yeah, apparently such a crap movie as this can be nominated for 4 oscars though.


Black president


Deep Impact starred that gay hobbit, in Armageddon we atleast get Bruce Willis


Deep Impact made some kind of attempt at being serious. I enjoy them both, but Armageddon is a class apart for kicks.

Wellll, this was a real good idea.



This one had an asteroid, the other one had a comet.


I'm a huge fan of Michael Bay and his films, especially Armageddon. I don't think Deep Impact is anywhere near as exciting...but nowhere near as bad as a lot of people make it seem. That's just my opinion obviously.

Deep Impact isn't as explosive as Armageddon. Being a Michael Bay film, Armageddon is all action and pretty funny at times. Deep Impact is arguably more serious, not really any jokes made, and yeah, as people have said, it can become a little boring at times.

"Delor En El Asno means pain in the ass, i thought it would help when you introduce yourself" - Turk, Scrubs


The difference? This one is tons better than Deep Impact.

A ship sank at the end of the movie Titanic


This will be a long reading. Forgive me for some bad spelling, I'm not used to write in english. Enjoy or not:


ARMAGEDDON - About the effects and action all the way:

I enjoy watch it sometimes and it's a real nice popcorn-movie. But still it's a bit too much of everything. To much Hollywood and "patriotic" for my taste. The short short plot-version:

An asteroid is about to hit the earth and kill the whole planet. NASA manage to figure out how to destroy it, train a bunch of oil drilling guys and organize an extremely advance trip to space in less than a month. Some of them dies and Harry, the best and the best of the best in the ENTIRE WORLD, is of course sacrifying his very own life to save the humanity and pushes the button 2 seconds before the end of time limit.

¤ Besides the end of mankind, it also includes a pretty average story: An american cool dude (Harry Stamper a.k.a Bruce Willis) having problems with his grown up daughter Grace and is also mad and irritated at his co-worker AJ who happens to be Grace’s secret boyfriend.

¤ The black guys – Especially the dude in NY riding his bike and the taxi-driver in the beginning: Typical stereotypes with cheesy lines who’s suppose to be “funny”.

¤ Harry´s crew is in a big chock for about 2 min after breaking the bad news. Then Harry says the magic words: "U.S government just asked us to save the world" - End of discussion.

¤ Harry is not ONLY the best man in world of drilling holes. He's also a genius since the freakin´ NASA had to steal his unique design of a drill and even did a *beep* job putting it together with the armadillo.

¤ The love story between Grace (Liv Tyler) and AJ (Ben Affleck) doesn't feel real or genuin. Bad acting from the both of them and there's no chemistry between them no matter how hard they try.

¤ Peter Stormare as the weird cosmonaut from Russia; I love this guy and I'm from Sweden myself but geez... no comments.

¤ Of course A.J find his way back to the spaceship "Freedom" and somehow brings it down quick and safe from the high “mountain” just in time to continue the mission.

¤ Doghound is riding on a nuclearraket and clearly you need sunglasses to get a better wiev of earth. And don't forget to bring a gun in case you meet E.T and want to shoot him in the ass.

¤ A lot of boring and almost predictable jokes that isn't funny _except_ perhaps the manifestation on the asteroid against nuclearwar- NO NUCS NO NUCS.

The end almost made me laugh:

-Harry: You take care of my little girl now – That’s your job

And Harrys last speak to his daughter... "T-t-tell little Tiny Tim I won’t be home this Christmas ...." - Just shut the *beep* up and push the got damn button.

Harry this, Harry that, “Thank you, Harry”, “Harry you’re the man”, “shake the hand of the daughter to the bravest man I ever met” etc…. At the end I just wanted to drill a hole in Harry's bloathed head, drop the bomb inside and push the button myself.

It felt like Bay tried to ride on the wave of succes after "Independence Day" but instead he *beep* up and drowned. A lot of good actors but almost everyone was exaggerating. I didn't feel any sympathy for the characters but felt sorry for the actors who had to play along with a bad script. And sometimes I wondered if they made the movie for people who love to watch movies on the big screen at the movie theatre - or was it only a chance for Steven Tyler to shine and promote Aerosmith?

DEEP IMPACT - More serious and kind of a drama:

This movie is far from perfect but the reason I think this movie is better is because it's more realistic in many ways. For example, s lot of people dies and it's not a completely happy ending thanks to one "American hero". It feels more warm and human. It's more about humans destiny and their thouhts about what might be important in life after finding out the world might no longer exist. Here we can follow ordinary people and family changing during the time. It's also more serious without many stupid jokes that exist in Armageddon.

5 strong moments:

.When Jenny finally made peace with her father and decides to spend her last minutes in life with him.

.When Jenny gave her place to Beth and her daughter.

.When Leo founds Sara on the Highway and Sara’s parents give them the baby so at least their children will have the chance to save themself.

.When the huge wave was on its way on the highway most of the people was screaming and running - while Saras parents had accepted their destiny and was just holding on and looking at each other. You could really see the deep love between them.

. When the astronauts decide to sacrifice their own life by crashing their ship with the last nuclear weapon into the bigger piece of asteroid to give some the people a chance to survive.............. and more.

How ever, I don't think you can or should compare this movies. It depends on what kind of mood you're in or what you like. A more serious tone or Action Jackson all the way.

@Sure I could be polite and courteous but where's the fun in that?


Deep Impact didn't suck. It at least tried to be a little realistic. Armageddon is stupid.


I agree, I love DI.

Armageddon is just ...... well what ever you could expect from Bay.

@Sure I could be polite and courteous but where´s the fun in that?


Deep Impact has Morgan Freeman in it.
