MovieChat Forums > Blade (1998) Discussion > Who saw this in cinemas back in 98?

Who saw this in cinemas back in 98?

Who saw this back in the day? What were your memories - the anticipation of seeing it in the weeks/days before, the actually seeing it and how much a big deal was it where you were back then, the crowds, audience etc and after coming out of the cinema what were your thoughts and in the days/weeks that followed...


I was 19 when I saw this in theaters. Totally bad ass movie. The theater crowd was really into it which made the experience all the more enjoyable. I'll never forget the moment when Blade was fighting off vampires during the La Magra ceremony and he reaches up and catches his sun glasses mid-air... que techno music... the whole theater exploded lol. Everybody was cheering! Such a great moment.

If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make your signature! Peace.


Same as Jim_Hopper. Crowd was into it when he caught his sunglasses mid air as well.

old blog:
Transformers Classics:


Yeah, I worked at a job telemarketing for a carpet cleaning company, and my work shift let me leave early on some days, so IIRC it was a Friday or Saturday afternoon; saw it in the Wildwood theater off Lakeshore in Birmingham, Al (theater's closed now); it impressed the hell out of me; had to post some stuff online back then about how some elements were similar to Becoming part 2 (aired that previous May) from Buffy, but it's more likely that Joss was familiar with the Blade script and "borrowed" some elements (Buffy's final fight with Angelus, Angelus' blood being the "key", etc).

When the DVD for Blade was released (just before Christmas '98), I had just gotten a new powered subwoofer for my home theater system, and the initial fight scene in the club really came alive - BOOM! BOOM!


When he starts walking down the street away from the camera, there are newspapers blowing in the wind. I thought was the definition of absolute coolness. What a BAMF! I remember thinking, this is our generation's Shaft. Odd thing was i had only seen Shaft for the first time in '95 or '96.

-- Sent from my 13 year old P.O.S. DesktopĀ®


I was about 20 years old when I saw this in the theaters . I was amazed by the whole new world the movie created . It was so dark and had a real life feel to it . The crowd was cheering after the first scene at the vampire disco dance . Everyone knew the movie was going to be great . I remember the very night I saw Blade because an hour or two later on that night I got into a big accident on my bike and broke my arm . I had a complex fracture . They said I was delirious walking my bike down Main Street , I remember none of this . They told me my arm was broken ,I went to move it and went " Yeah it's broken " and laughed at them . I was I the hospital for 3 days after for observation, even though there was no observation .


I saw it in the theater and was so hyped up for it. The movie was awesome there was a big audience in the theater it was pretty packed, everyone loved it coming out of the theater


saw it, loved it!!


I was 15 and I had no idea what to expect, this movie blew me away and will always have a soft spot in heart...

I do what I say and I say what I mean


I went to see it, with my mom. The film was not advertised in Romania (the country was still reeking of post-communist incompetence), and it was a great surprise!
I was 10 years old, by the way.


I definitely remember seeing this with my was right before my 13th birthday. We successfully sneaked into it

"I'm just a happy camper! Rockin' and a-rollin'!" - Patrick Bateman, American Psycho


I was 7. Dad took me.

It was awesome for it's time. I remained a fan of the film until the sequels. II wasn't too bad but III... hmm.
