MovieChat Forums > Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Discussion > Domino and the woman in Trump audio wear...

Domino and the woman in Trump audio wearing the same dress

any coincidence?


Also note the similarity in their hair. Kind of odd.

Ziegler is a stand-in for all the Trumps of the world. Pure evil. At least Ziegler hides his sociopathy behind "good manners" and a less gaudily-decorated mansion, though!


I'm not sure what you mean by "Trump Audio."

If it's an audio recording, how can you identify Domino?

And what does Trump have to do with this movie?


Hello, sir. The audio with Trump and Billy bush talking about a soap actress is what I tried to put in the subject in a haste posting...



I just looked it up and compared, that IS odd, freaky...


For anyone who's curious...

Yes, their styles are very similar but since the movie was released in 1999 and this clip took place six years later, it is just a coincidence.


LOL that's some weird shit. That dress is hawt tho
