One of Kubrick's Best?

This movie came out when I was a teenager, and I only saw it for the first time in 2016, so I never really felt any of the backlash or disdain. For me, it was just an unturned stone in Kubrick's filmography.

And I thought it was brilliant. On its own merits, I thought it was an entertaining and interesting story. And for a Kubrick film, I thought it was just as artful and thrilling as Full Metal Jacket or The Shining. From reading people's reviews and opinions, it seems like this is truly a case of people "not getting it". For me, it seemed like a relatively straightforward exploration of relationships, love, marriage, and sexuality. But it seems like others were expecting some type of epic murder/sci-fi/crime drama. For me, I understood exactly what they were doing, and it seemed perfect.


I think it's one of his best, at least his best since A Clockwork Orange. Though based on a novel, Eyes Wide Shut is probably his most creative movie imo.


I loved this film and it was the first Kubrick film I saw, I saw it on a vanilla Warner Dvd.


Oh yes , best ever.

He died shortly after this, I'm wondering of some sort of senility hadn't set in during production.

No, I take that back . No wonder about it.


I watched this again recently and it went straight in the trash. Dr Strangelove, Clockwork Orange and Barry Lyndon are films I openly recommend, but EWS is a late career potboiler: simplistic plot whilst posing as a sophisticated film for grown-ups, made worse by the excruciating acting of Kidman.


I love this movie !



As a film about fidelity and the importance of communication in marriage, it's poignant.

The dream theme is imaginative and the dream images are well executed.

The look at sexual perversion is well done.

It's observations on wealth and male hiararchies is well done.

It's "contemporary fairytale" narrative and tone is quite original.

The soundtrack is excellent. Sometimes haunting.

The lighting and cinematography is often stunning i.e. the Mansion sequence in particular.

There's a few dry, funny moments.


The Dialogue is hit and miss... Some of it is downright dull and mechanical.

It's pacing is messy. It drags in some spots.

I'd rank it beside Full Metal Jacket and Lolita on my list. Far from a bad film. It's much better than most erotic thriller/dramas, just not a masterpiece like 2001, Strangelove or A Clockwork Orange.


Top 3

3. Eyes Wide Shut
2. A Clockwork Orange
1. 2001: A Space Odyssey


I remember when it came out and it largely got very bad reviews, it was a bit of a joke in much of the media really.

Funny enough I was rather into movies at the time, but I got the impression I was getting that it was a pervy boring old sex movie.

I only saw it for the first time about 5 years ago, and now I would say it is a Great movie, and yes one of Kubrick's best.
