MovieChat Forums > Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Discussion > Helena the real sacrifice?

Helena the real sacrifice?

In the last shot of the film before Bill and Alice's conversation we see two men look suspiciously out of place and a third long haired man who as they walk away he walks towards Helena as is ushering her away with the two men.

And Alice see's thus and then quickly turns away diverting Bill's attention.
All the women Bill encounters are red haired,people took this as an analogy of guiltprojecting Alice who us also fair haired but what if it's his subconscious screaming out the fate of Helena one day,to one day end up like the beauty queen used and abused by the elite.

What if the entire narrative of bill's relationship is another diversion of the extreme darkness underlying the film.

That Helena maybe with or without her parent's knowledge is the real one being groomed by the elite to be sold as a sex slave.


I went back and watched the scene. She sort of walks in the same direction as two random men but they didn't really look at her or anything. She was behind them and running around on her own, so it would be hard for them to have taken her with their backs to her.


I think that's a real possibility.

Wisecrack have done a video (May 2019) that talks about this theory, and how Helena is pictured with a toy tiger, as is Domino, and also both interact with prams in a similar way

Yes, I think this is a strong implication at the end. Tom and Nicole are chatting for 3 minutes without knowing or seemingly caring where Helena has gone

Here's the ending, and the comments is full of discussion about this theory.
