MovieChat Forums > Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Discussion > Why did Tom cruise and Nicole agree to t...

Why did Tom cruise and Nicole agree to this?

Wasn't Nicole his wife at that time and we get to see more than required and unnecessary gratuitous ass and tits shot of Nicole and moreover porno of the naval officer *beep* her, putting his hands between her legs and squeezing her tits. (they didn't use a double here for sure)

or is it the Murican culture where husbands are fine with their wives being a public urinal where any man can come and take a dip?


What an idiotic comment. You are an Indian; so am I so don't take offence against "westerners" when I say Indian culture needs to have a hard look at itself. There is nothing wrong with nudity in any aspect and especially when concerning art. Had it been unnecessary shots to titillate the audience I might consider your point. In fact when EYS released most reviewers stated something similar: "We wanted sex and got boring Kubrickian fantasy instead whereas that was the WHOLE point of Kubrick(among other things)....that we as a society have become so enamored with sex and nudity.

Besides Kubrick was a living legend back then and no sane actress would have passed on the honor of having his stamp on their resume. I'd have gladly pimped myself and my wife(with her consent of course).
