MovieChat Forums > Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Discussion > Bills daughter is the key to this movie

Bills daughter is the key to this movie

I've thought about Eyes Wide Shut for quite some time and what struck me as the most viable explanation for this movie is that in reality it's the daughter that is the center piece to this story, not Bill, Alice or even Ziegler. The main connection that, as I understand, Kubrick makes is that in reality the 'phony sacrifice' of the masked woman at the party is actually the sacrifice of Helena. Bill to save his wealth, marriage and status literally sells his daughter to the powerful elite. It directly correlates in the scene where Bill returns his costume and as in a reflection sees the costume shop owner selling his daughter to the wealthy Asian duo we saw earlier. It's also visible in the final scene; the scene where Alice teaches Helena about wealthy boys and in the scene after the Somerton where Bill enters Helena's room and sees the word SEX above the bed.
I would really like to know your thoughts on my theory. And I apologize for my rusty english.


Just a the end in the dept store, during that last bit of dialogue..The last line of the movie, the fact that so much has been discussed about the daughter Helena possibly being abducted.. Nicole kidman says something similar to "there is one im portant thing we have to do right away, fucx" and the movie ends. Most people think she is talking about her and bill having sex, could it be that instead they lost track of Helena and she is saying Fuxk, as in fuxk where is our last thing wr need to do.. They look around for Helena and shes gone like oh *beep* shes gone.. Kind of makes you wonder and it changes the meaning of that last line a dialogue significantly.


Haha wow I like the sound of that. I mean for a film that was teased to be all about sex but ended up being an odyssey of revelations, there has to be more to the ending than just ''lets have sex''.


Actually and factually this is the exact transcript.

What do I think?
I don't know.
I mean, maybe...
Maybe I think...
...we should be grateful.
...that we've managed to
survive through all of our...
...whether they were real...
...or only a dream.
Are you sure of that?
Am I sure?
Only as sure as I am...
...that the reality of one night...
...let alone that of a whole lifetime...
...can ever be the whole truth.
And no dream is ever...
...just a dream.
The important thing is...
...we're awake now...
...and hopefully...
...for a long time to come.
Let's not use that word. You know?
It frightens me.
But I do love you...
...and you know...
...there is something very important...
...that we need
to do as soon as possible.
What's that?
F |_| C K.

...Credo quia absurdum...


There is no way that line is meant to be in reference to Helena wandering off. The daughter they have let out of their sight, the toy store, X-Mas time, the unsatisfied desires and psycho-secrets all contribute to the feeling of the delivery of that line - a nihilistic statement for our age: F!ck (as in F!ck it).

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