MovieChat Forums > Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Discussion > Did this movie get Kubrick killed?

Did this movie get Kubrick killed?

Do you think Kubrick was killed over the filming of Eyes Wide Shut?


No. Just a coincidence.

I wish the whole conspiracy/illuminati belief trend would end. The beginning of the 2000's did practically give birth to it.

People have watched too much X-Files and Codename: Kids Next Door.


This belief in conspiracies is getting more popular with each passing day. The bat shit insane COVID-19 conspiracies are all the proof that is needed that we're losing the battle for sanity and reason. The American right-wing (and its handmaiden Christian Evangelical Fundamentalism) are a death cult, and will ultimately be the end of the United States.


The whole skepticism of the coronavirus is ridiculous. Why is it hard to accept? No one wanted to accept it back in January - I heard the news in January when there were only 400 cases in China and was then already concerned that it could possibly reach the US. No one wanted to believe that though. I remember all the doubters. Many said the death toll wouldn't even reach the regular flu death toll. And look what happened - it did totally surpass it.

As a Jewish Gnostic who does believe in Jesus, I will say that most Christians don't know the real doctrine of Jesus. But you see, I combine Gnosticism, Judaism, and Christianity together. Wouldn't be able to understand Christianity without Judaism, wouldn't be able to understand Judaism without Gnosticism. It's funny how it worked out for me.

Back to the skepticism of the virus - why is it hard for people to accept it? Life is fragile at the end of the day and no one wants to consider this. The virus is still very much here and more waves might be on the way. As of now - there's been 102,000 new cases today. Who knows. With that said, I say take it one day at a time. The future is very unknown.


The conspiracy theorists are looking less and less insane with each passing day.

From the blatantly rigged 2020 election to the bizarre ‘need’ to push this very dodgy ‘vaccine’ on the entire Western world, using unprecedented authoritarian measures. And don’t get me started on Epstein Island - a retreat for perverted, paedophilic elites who were powerful enough to assassinate Epstein in his maximum security solitary confinement cell before he could cut a deal and name names - or do you believe he committed suicide?? 🤣

Kubrick lifted the curtain on something that we’re only now realising was true all along, but many would rather keep their Eyes Wide Shut, it seems.


I have been hearing this for YEARS that this film was a covert expose of perverts in Hollywood, etc.

Here, the film is a REMAKE OF A 1969 FRENCH FILM.

It has nothing to do with anything and isn't even original.



This is a remark of a French film and Kubrick wasn't trying to tell us anything.

I was amazed to discover that.


Kubrick wasn’t murdered he was skinned alive!!!





I don't know, a famous filmmaker makes a movie about a secret sect and orgies of the ruling elite and dies soon after. Kind of a big coincidence. If I told you someone made a movie in Columbia where he mocked the drug cartels and he was found dead the next day it wouldn't be a big jump to conclusions to say he was probably murdered. So why is it crazy to think there is a ruling elite that might kill someone who exposes them. It happens every day.


The allegations that Alex Jones was making about the Bohemian grove event he gatecrashed and filmed were far more sensationalistic and yet he is still very much alive.


Alex Jones comes off as whacky though so even if 90 percent of what he said was true, most people just think its crazy because its him, so he's actually a perfect disinformation agent
He's also married in to the Jewish Cabal.

Kubrick had clout and made films that people analysed and scrutinized for the deeper meaning, if you go back through his films they all have elite society themes but Eyes Wide Shut is more balls out

Kubrick was also Jewish, which is usually a red flag, but the fact he moved away to England and lived very reclusive life makes me think that he was a part of it for some time but had some integrity and wanted no part of it.
Hence why his films were genuinely anti establishment not Hollywood anti establishment

Don't forget Clockwork Orange was banned for 30 years and that had a lot of government MK Ultra shit going on, Violence my ass


According to witnesses, his health seemed fine during production. Two weeks before he died, he told R. Lee Ermey that he hated the film and the critics would eat him up alive. Then we have this bit of bombshell...


Are you aware that Kubrick also cut 20 minutes out of 2001: A Space Odyssey? It was found in a salt mine where it was stored since the late 60s. All that proves is that he had a rough cut that he made trims to, not much else. Frankly, this doesn't feel like a movie that had 24 minutes of essential footage chopped out of it at the last minute. You can tell the difference believe me. Compare the American cut of Leone's Once Upon A Time in America and then the full European cut. The American cut of that movie felt incoherent and choppy because that's what happens when you take a hacksaw to a movie. In Eyes Wide Shut there are simply too many scenes in the second half of the movie that would make no sense at all if the Somerton orgy scene had been more sensationalistic and shocking. If Bill Harford was already certain that the girl definitely was a victim of murder and not an overdoes he wouldn't be wasting his time playing detective, he would be getting the hell out of Dodge. Why would Ziegler even bother trying to convince him otherwise in the billiard room scene if Bill already had undeniable proof of the cult's evil ways?


404 error. FFS, archive any links you're going to post here.
