MovieChat Forums > Eyes Wide Shut (1999) Discussion > Anyone Analyze the Backwards Lyrics?

Anyone Analyze the Backwards Lyrics?

The vocals in the mysterious music at the mansion are played backwards. Someone re-flipped them forwards and translated them from the original Romanian (which is similar to Latin):

Here's the translation:

And God told to his apprentices...I gave you a pray to the Lord for the mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, the search, the leave and the forgiveness of the sins of God's children. The ones that pray, they have mercy and they take good care of this holy place.

Another part, sung in tenor solo and then as harmony to the above, was not translated, I believe from Hindi:

Parithranaya Saadhunam Vinashaya cha dushkrithaam
Dharmasamsthabanarth aya Sambhavami
yuge yuge


Audio of Both backward and forward here.



That was quick!


I was typing it up before you edited your original post with that URL etc. When I submitted mine I saw your edit and for a minute or so I wondered if I replied to a different but similar post. LOL.


Thanks for that informative post. The last quote you mention is Sanskrit and is a verse from the Bhagavad Gita and spoken by Lord Krishna to his disciple Arjuna. Here it is translated by Srila Prabhupada (founder of the Hare Krsna movement):

In order to deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I advent Myself millennium after millennium.


I have to add…I saw this first run in the theatre. When this impressive-looking scene first appeared on the big screen and the hi-fi audio I have to say the aura of it all impressed the hell out of me.
