
Sydney Pollack was a hard core zionist. Was this film about wealthy Jews enjoying goyim women ?


I would say yes!


And creating a conveyor belt of never ending meat going all the way down to Cruises Daughter


No evidence that Cruise’s daughter was involved or targetted.


Beside the fact every female character has strawberry blonde hair and are all whores at different stages


The babysitter and Milich’s daughter had strawberry blonde hair?


The Babysitter was an extra. You have a point about Milich daughter but you still can't ignore that Kidman,Marriane, Mandy Domino, Domino's Roomate and their daughter all have same hair.

Ill have to look into Millich daughter my wild guesg could be the rest are all pimped by the system 'created by the Somerton elites' whereas she was pimped by her dad directly in a less sophisticated way?


In any case I see no evidence to suggest that Cruise’s daughter was involved or targetted, the filmmakers just picked a kid who could plausibly be Kidman’s daughter.


And Kubrick just happened to put those cans of calumet on display because they love baking powder in Colorado




So you didn't understand The Shining Either?


What are you talking about?


I'm not explaining it, it's basic stuff


If there’s any substance to it you’ll explain what the hell you’re talking about, otherwise we’ll have to assume it’s ‘basic stuff’ you just pulled out of your ass.


Eyes Wide Shut is a very particular film, just as Kubrick is a very particular director. If you appreciate his films and hold him in high regard then you will know that he operates on different levels.

There are hundreds of video essays about his works and much to read but the Calumet cans in the pantry of the Shining is pretty well known even by people who only know a little. The Shining is probably one of the most active boards on this site.

So i am not going to explain these things to you if you can't be assed to even try to learn basic shit. You have your own opinion on the film thats fine but you shouldn't try an ridicule people who have spent time and length trying to understand things on a deeper level because you come off as ignorant


I’ve seen all Kubrick movies and watched documentaries. I don’t recall any significant discussions on calumet cans. Why not just enlighten everyone?


Because he knows he’s full of shit.


A lot of it is about evils of the past leaving a trace, we know that already with Grady, the old lady in 237 ect. But the other thing thats referenced throughout is the native American genocide Ulmann tells them during the tour that the Hotel is built on an Indian burial ground and Jack mentions White Mans Burden.

Then there are tons of subtle references in the way of the decor of the Hotel but one of the most obvious are the tins of baking powder in the pantry in full view. This doesn't mean the entire film is and allegory to that but it's just one of the many themes layered into the film.

Much like Eyes wide shut isn't just about a bloke pissed that his wife wanted to be fucked by a sailor


Just as I thought - you’re an ignorant dumbass talking out of your ass. You daren’t actually put forward your position because you know it will be laughed out of the room.

You’re just a self-bloviating ego with zero substance, it’s hilarious watching you talk down to your superiors 🤣


How about just wealthy people? I'm a bit tired of Jews being scapegoated (or white males, for that matter). The filthy rich come in all shades. How do you think the radical Muslim stance against free speech has managed to take hold in the West? I'm bored by people always blaming the Jews. If We the People want to change the structure(s) of power, we need to be much more nuanced in our thinking.


Jews are overrepresented.

...Jews constitute 11% of global billionaires...
Jews are usually said to comprise about 0.2% of the world’s population, so 11% of the world’s billionaires means they’re doing pretty well.
The Muslim terrorism that inevitably followed has justified ever harsher laws against free speech and an ever more intrusive surveillance state. When Jewish propagandists claim that “Diversity is our strength,” they’re using the phrase in an Orwellian sense. The chaos and crime caused by Third-World migrants weakens White gentiles and strengthens Jewish power,strengthens%20Jewish%20power


Because they Put them there and sit back and watch us fight it out


The film is based on the Rothschilds parties
Even filmed on some of the locations owned by the Rothschilds

Complete with mangled baby dolls ie child / baby sacrifices.
