MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) Discussion > Just watched Force Awakens, and don't se...

Just watched Force Awakens, and don't see how it is 2.2 points higher

Force Awakens is just a hodge podge of ESB and ANH. It didn't take any big chances like TPM. It's a decent movie, but nothing in the high 8 range. Phantom Menace tries to show the scope of the Star Wars galaxy. It is an expanded view of what Star Wars is from Lucas. A time of peace before a great war, started by internal machinations. If you can take out all the purposely cheesy "battle droids" and take Jar Jar for the hapless idiotic hero that he is, it's got a lot going for it.

I think in general the prequels are underrated. JJ just took the original movies that everyone liked and aged the core characters. Lucas had to make a backstory for everyone in the original trilogy, and introduced all types of new ancestor characters. Sure, peacetime Jedi sitting around aren't too exciting to watch, but TPM is all about the Jedi becoming complacent, and not seeing a threat rising right underneath them.


Seeing as how Rey and Finn pick up lightsabers and fight as if they're trained Jedi Knights is what I would call taking a big chance, but I see what you mean.

It's essentially a New Hope rehashed, which is okay if done right, but in this case I felt a few things were lacking, mostly the music, and the loss of a major character that seemed unnecessary.

But my biggest gripe was not being able to see Coruscant, post Return of the Jedi. 30 years of waiting and still no official visuals on what Imperial Center or post-Imperial Center looks like save for that little quip in ROTJ Special Edition.


Seeing as how Rey and Finn pick up lightsabers and fight as if they're trained Jedi Knights is what I would call taking a big chance,

This argument has been made a few times now and my only response to it is: Yes you probably do need quite a bit of training in order to at least be good. However, if your enemy was coming at you swinging a Lightsaber, don't you think that survival instincts would kick in and unless you were a total nothing, you would still be able to defend yourself for a little while?

I didn't particularly see either character perform any amazing moves or tricks. They were simply trying to defend themselves.


Finn is just as annoying as Jar Jar, I'm just saying that now. TFA wasn't all that special, anyone could've thought of a story like that, it was pretty damn basic, really.


I just watched TFA, and Finn is far more annoying than Jar Jar


by dantt777
I just watched TFA, and Finn is far more annoying than Jar Jar

The difference between Finn and Jar-Jar is Finn is able to stop being a f-wit and do some good. he stepped up when the film needed him too. Jar-Jar just kept on with being a buffoon. Sure, we can try and believe Jar-Jar is a master drunken boxer, but it's still annoying a fvck.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


The most terrible thing about TFA is "film rushing". They want to tell you everything in less than 15 min:

Rey being a Jedi in less than 20 min.

Han Solo death and the pointless Father & Son melodrama (again something already explored in ESB) in less than 30 min.

Meaningless General Hux. We don't even know where the hell the First Order came and they got a full motivation to destroy everything. In ANH at least we knew about Tarkin motivations and a short but important gathering between Imperial officers in TFA we don't have any idea what the hell they want (Very similar to the infamous Trade Federation)

Trench battle in the Starkiller base and blowing the planet in less than 20 min!


Great comments, I agree completely. ANH's gathering of Imperial Officers scene is brilliant. Its all we need to know the setting: there's a powerful emperor, there's a galactic senate that he's just abolished, and there's a mystical magical force that the dark lord can control. Add that to the lawless outlying territory like Tatooine tells us a lot of the Galaxy this movie takes place in.

--- MY RATINGS ---
2001,F.Gump,S.Shank,A.Beauty:10 | TDK:6 | Avengers:4


A log of human waste floating in a toilet deserves to be 2.2 high than this abortion.


Popular films that come out nowadays tend to be rated too high by the general public even when they're clearly flawed as fvck like The Force Awakens is.


I am with you on this OP, I know I am in minority, but I can have my opinion, after watching TFA, I rewatched TPM and could not understand what made TFA better than TPM. I enjoyed TPM and the rest prequesls much much more than I did TFA ......


TFA is the best one acting wise and effects wise (obviously) the previous 6 have *beep* acting. Effects are good in all seven based on the times they were made (CGI haters really need to shut the hell up and get over it. Yes they use CGI in films. Stop crying about it you pussies.)


Looks like George Lucas made a lot of IMDB accounts.

English isn't my 1st language. I'm sorry for any mistakes in grammar, spelling...
