MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) Discussion > Is Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Mena...

Is Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999) by far the most timeless Star Wars movie and... far one of the most timeless movies ever made period.

I personally think so. Nobody will remember today's hit movies like they will remember The Phantom Menace 30-50 years from now.


A big part of the timelessness about The Phantom Menace is probably that it used more practical effects and sets than any other Star Wars film despite the erroneous reputation for being an over saturated CGI fest, Yet Jar Jar Abram's dumpster fire film TFA was praised for its use of practical effects and sets despite having less of both using more shots of CGI than TPM & fewer sets. A lot of people still incorrectly assume that the Di$ney trilogy somehow used less CGI. That's the power of propaganda folks.


And TPM was shot on Film.


Yes! Makes a big difference.


I just miss good movies in general. Almost nothing that's come out in the past 5 years has been considered even close to how good movies were in the early 2000s.




Yeah. These movies are properly WEIRD, like a good old Weird Tales mag. There's nothing contemporary bout them. They're just damn strange, even when they milk easter egg nostalgic moments from pop culture, it's damn bizarre.

I'm telling you. I HATED these flicks when they came out, just like everybody else did. But they're so damn... strange, I just grew to love them.
