Wow....pretty bad....

Now, I grew up with the original Star Wars trilogy and after getting a trial at Disney thought to watch this series in "order" and I can't believe how bad The Phantom Menace is. Yes, it looks great, but man, if this actually had been the first released movie it would have been the last.

On top of that, so far, the first half-hour seems like it is an old Japanese-dubbed movie from the 1960s. And I remember how much static they got for the Jar Jar whatever character, so how the heck could Lucas et al blow it so badly on creating such an annoying character?


Despite its being hated it still grossed over a billion dollars. I guess it did something right.


It may have grossed that much, but from what I recall of the original three, this was vastly subpar in overall quality.

Though of course, it could also be nostalgic memory, too. Though, I wonder how much of the box office was driven by devoted fans of the first three.

I'm going to watch them all and I hope the original three are as good as I remember them.

Some of the issues I had were of the silted dialog, the fight scenes, the horrible acting of the boy, and even the score was off. It just didn't fit for some reason.


There was no way this movie wasnt going to gross a million dollars
There was a billion loyal Star Wars fans wetting their panties at the thought of a sequel after 20 years.
It was the most anticipated movie in history.

They would have had to work , really , really hard to screw it up.


It had it's flaws but I enjoyed it and still value it. Especially for laying the foundation for a lot of new & unique Star Wars lore that would hold up for the next 20 years. Most of the flaws I feel would only involve minor tweaks.

1. Make Anakin older. Casting Hayden Christensen from the start & allowing his onscreen chemistry to develop between , Natalie Portman & Ewan Mcgegor across all three movies would have greatly improved the film and the entire trilogy.

2. Significantly reduce Qui Gon's role or remove him altogether in favor of Obi Wan who should have been the one to discover Anakin & seek to train him.

3. Tone down Jar Jar

While I still think it was was a fun decent film overall , I think it would be looked upon far more favorably by the grumpy fanboys with those subtle tweaks alone.


Personally, I don't think it's minor tweaks.

1 - this isn't just a re-cast but a complete re-write on Anakin's role in the film.
2 - again, this would produce a huge re-write, since Qui-Gon has the bulk of the film (I think? He's sorta the main character here).
3 - and a third heavy re-write, since toning this character down would require an edit of his dialogue, yes, but also almost every action and character motivation he has.

The prequels needed to get Anakin's character study and development right and they muffed it. There are two stories running throughout these films: 1) Anakin's fall from grace, 2) the Republic being overthrown from within. Neither was handled with the deft delicacy and careful plotting necessary to give either real depth. Fixing that would require an overhaul, not just of The Phantom Menace, but of the subsequent films. There just isn't the subtlety or power to either story to carry the tale.

On top of this, the film has dozens of flaws which add up. Midichlorians are my biggest gripe of these, but I also scratch my head at the coincidences of C-3PO and R2-D2 being present, the wooden Jedi council, the bumbling battle droids, and so on. Even minor details feel weird. Naboo votes in a queen? "You don't vote for kings!" as Graham Chapman said...

It goes on and on. This isn't a minor tweak fix. It's a total overhaul from the ground up.


It wouldn't have taken much to implement the tweaks during production.

1. I disagree. Not much would need to change regarding Anakin''s role in the film. Aging him up a few years simply would have made his talent for mechanics & pod racing/piloting more plausible & organic, as would the seeds of his romantic chemistry with Padme.

2. I'm talking about tweaks in production process. Shifting Obi Wan to the more prominent role over Qui Gon would not require any significant changes to the main story beats or the overall plot. It would have simply strengthened the film, the chemistry between the actors, along with the overarching narrative of rest of the trilogy.

3. Again strongly disagree. Simply making Jar Jar a bit more toned down in his characterization does not require a major rewrite. His key role as an unofficial envoy for the Gungans would remain unabated.

I thought Lucas did a great, thoughtful job of constructing both Anakin's fall & especially the overarching story of how the Republic was corrupted and overthrown from within by Palapatine's years of Machiavellian scheming & masterful manipulations behind the scenes. Anakin's motivations are clear & how it contributed to his fall makes sense. The rise of Palpatine & the fall of the Republic were well & coherently constructed over the course of the trilogy.

I always understood Midichhlorians as a necessary plot device used to explain/quantify Anakin's uniquely powerful connection to the force. They're only ever mentioned twice. We'll just have to agree to disagree especially on your last set of gripes which I find to be very run of the mill nitpicks about the prequels that I never found to be problematic.


We do not see eye-to-eye on this at all. I definitely feel like the problems with the writing would require - at minimum - a complete dialogue overhaul, but I think that the politics were broadstrokes and hasty and Anakin's fall was clumsy, direct, obvious, and didn't even really make a lot of sense. There's just no subtlety anywhere here. Star Wars has plenty of "unsubtle" moments, but it actually does have nuance. A lot more was needed here.

Yeah, I just don't see it your way at all here. This is definitely, as you say, a case of "agree to disagree".

Those last were nitpicks for sure. If I enjoyed the rest of the films, they wouldn't be problems. I wouldn't care about the monarch voting system if I bought the rest of the flick.

Midichlorians would still be a groan-inducing stain, though. It's a perfect example of what I referenced above: no subtlety, no nuance. Just video game experience levels. "Oh no! He has more midichlorians! His Force Level is higher! He has +5 to hit and +3 to damage!"
