Is THIS the worst movie of all time?

It MIGHT be Attack of the Clones but I'm thinking this might be it.


I've just watched this on disney+. I think if they made it first there wouldn't have been any more made. Total crap. Bad sfx. Bad acting. The real actors were looking at a space above the CG cast. Awful


No, none of the prequel trilogy films are anywhere NEAR "worst movie of all time" status. Not even close.

Yes, their dramatic/dialogue direction should have been better, but the general stories they told, the characters, the settings, the actors, etc, were all perfectly fine.

These movies weren't as good as they could or SHOULD have been. But it's become an overplayed meme as to how "god awful" they are. Because frankly, they aren't. They're actually, MOSTLY pretty good.

If you want something closer to "worst movie of all time" status, look no further than Disney's abortion-level "Sequel Trilogy" garbage. THOSE movies have absolutely, head-ache worthy bad writing, completely unmemorable or unremarkable characters. Plots so disjointed and bland that it borders on amateur film-making. They were made with zero creative integrity. let alone ability. I've STILL seen worse than those films, but they ARE (TLJ especially) some of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life, billion dollar budgets be damned.

The prequels definitely have their flaws, and should have made less use of CGI, and more use of dramatic tension. BUT, at least Lucas was telling a fresh, original story. He was telling the story he wanted to tell, the story he had mostly already hashed out years prior. They should have been better, but they're fine. In every meaningful way that matters, they're decent films.
