Andrew Garfield should've been Anakin

Imagine that


Blame the director, not the actor.


marlboro1771 is right, if you watch the actors in their other works, they are fine. They were good enough to be hired in the first place. it's only this movie where they are wooden and stiff.

"He's dusted, busted and disgusted, but he's ok"


God no


He was already given a role.

You can see him there next to that ugly mongoloid that played Boba Fett. He might be hard to recognize because he doesn't have his trademarked popped collar and twelves scarves to hide his grotesque neck.


So norman bates as Anakin? Hmmm not really


people would've hated him too. hayden has now grown on me. garfield grew on me after starring in hacksaw ridge directed by mel gibson.



A six foot four or five manly person needed to play with a deep voice.
Little 5'10" guys with mild, soft voices shouldn't play a person who was 6'6" and had that deep James Earl Jones voice.

It is ridiculous to see a large 6'6" man with a very deep voice suddenly shrinks to 5'10 to 6'0" and is a high pitch voiced 22 year old when not in the costume.

So we are supposed to think that the suit itself added 9 inches of height and it is 100% the suit that gives him a deep voice.

The casting of the prequels was terrible in regards to Vader and the suggestion of Garfield playing him is equally as pathetic.


So we are supposed to think that the suit itself added 9 inches of height and it is 100% the suit that gives him a deep voice.

Wasn't that obvious? In ROTJ, Luke takes off the helmet and the actor has a soft voice, revealing that the mask made him sound like James Earl Jones. Also, the actor who played old Anakin in that movie seemed about the same height as Alec Guinness when we see them as Force Ghosts. Guinness was 5'9 and a half.

EDIT: Looking it up, Sebastian Shaw was a few inches taller, but they made them eye level in the movie. Either way, he was nowhere near the same height or build of David Prowse.

