MovieChat Forums > Cube (1997) Discussion > If you cant answer these then this movie...

If you cant answer these then this movie was pointless (spoilers)

If you can answer me these questions about the movie, maybe I'll stop bagging it & respect it more, they are simple questions that every movie-goer should be able to answer when they go to see a film that actually has a plot that wants to convey a point or message (who,what,when,where,why)? I cannot comprehend a 7.5 rating on IMDB!

Who built the "cube"? Don't say the government unless you can answer...

Why was the "cube" built? Based on my understanding all you need to be is good with numbers, to survive the cube. Was it built to haven criminals because if so then all you need to be is good at maths, or suffer from autism? How are people determined, "valid" to be shoved in this cube?

How was the "cube" built? Don't say it was done my multiple companies, because surely not one person would ask-"why are we designing massive cubes, with torturous items in them?". Give me logic to how the "cube" moves, because I dont see a machine powerful enough to move 200 different cubes? At the edges of the cube why is there nothingness? Surely nothing could suspend a cube this big above ground? Tell me what could hold it up? How high up could they be & how would the government explain for the cost of a multi-billion dollar cube if in fact the government designed it?

What is the purpose of the "cube"? Give me a good reason other than the director trying to entertain the audience with the most gruesome deaths imaginable.

My rating is 1/10 for not going anymore than 90 mins...I don't care about how entertained you guys were if a movie follows no logic, no reason & no purpose then surely you either don't deserve to have an opinion about any films or have had a lobotomy!

If you truelly deep down in your heart loved this movie passionately, my real question should be...when are you going to jump off that cliff in front of you?

oh you got a murderous rage in you!


Who built the "cube"? A wizard did it

Why was the "cube" built? It was a good idea at the time

How was the "cube" built? With builders, structural engineers and the like, I'd wager

What is the purpose of the "cube"? Something to do, I guess

To lose is to win, and he who wins shall lose.




Wow its been so long time since I started this whole argument. Geez shows how much I wanted to forget this piece of trash.

I just like to ask all the decendents & families of the film crew who have invaded this forum...Why do you keep letting mummy or daddy pay you to write sh!t in the only forum in the world where this abyss of a movie is recognised? Stop being fanboys of Canadian ones buying your sh!t but yourselves!

This movie is no achievement to presents nothing...& what is presented is poorly scripted, boring & badly acted! Am I a "horrible person"? Yeah I definately am & I am proud to be because anything less would show some tolerance for a movie that doesn't even deserve to waste precious space alongside 'Event Horizon' & 'Leprechaun 4: In Space' at the video store. Boohoo you liked the movie, I'm glad it entertained you because at least it shows that you have a stronger threshold for pain than I do! All this film is is an endurance test to the end. I finally found out its meaning in all this time I was away...if you can last to the end of the film without commiting suicide you can prove your worth.

It surprises me that this is the most popular topic on this forum when this is one of the least thoughtout & lazy postings I've ever made in any forum for a movie. Just goes to show that even simple plot flaws that I can point out on the surface of this movie can still generate so much attention. I can say I got one thing from this whole debate...some people will go to any measure to defend a movie they love passionately. I got to say I admire your loyalty, any logical person would have deserted this film first thing after the credits rolled. Sh!t I can relate to you...I used to think Batman and Robin (at 7 years old) was a decent film, but in time we all learn the hard way.

By the way just because I don't know how a skyscraper is erected doesn't mean I don't know certain principles involved with physics. If someone can give me a legitimate way of the Cube being built go right ahead...I bet not one of you can explain anything. "Oh some movies have mystery, not everything can be explained"...uhmmm okay to the a$$hole who said that I'll play along...but first just tell me why I knew the retarded guy would survive & that the end would not give this film any closure whatsoever...Oh just so you guys know I absolutely hate Saw! I tend to hate movies that just go with the flow without following any plot pathway; usually there the kind of movies retards & 12 years olds enjoy. Not to say you are, I mean how can 20 or 30 year old men enjoy movies like that?

I think we all need to let this one go...dont worry; before the end of your time you will be seeing kids using DVD discs of The Cube as frisbees in the park! Oh wait, sorry I'm mistaken you guys will never see that because you most likely will never leave that Cube they call your bedroom! :) Chillax fellow Cubelings!

The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.

Pvt. Joker


i liked Leprechaun 4: In Space


First off, let me say that I am not trying to defend this movie in any way. I liked it, but it's nowhere near my top list. Anyway, the questions posed within the movie and the psychological issues it raises definitely caught my attention. The gore I could live without. But I guess it made sense here, because it showed the viewer and the characters in the movie how f-ed up their situation was.

To the OP: What point were you trying to get across here exactly? You didn't like the movie, fine. But why? I mean, that a contraption like the cube could not possibly work in real life is no reason. Should we be disliking 'the lord of the rings' because it's fantasy? 'Twelve monkeys' is a bad movie because we never get to see how their time-travel machine works?

I'm really not trying to yank your chain here. I am too lazy to read through several pages of filth, accusations and profanity, so please everybody explain why they liked / disliked the movie. The acting was not outstanding, that's true. But that alone is not enough for me to dismiss a movie.

Alright, people. Go ahead. :)

I didn't like the Godfather, so what?



It's obviously an analogy to our world, seen from an existentialist perspective. The Cube has no purpose except whatever you assign to it. Asking who built it is like asking who made the cosmos...a stupid and futile question. Yes, I know people have killed eachother over that question for millenia, but it's no less pointless now than then. Read some Sartre and then watch The Cube again.



I just watched this film last night - it was enjoyable enough. All I know for sure is that I wish 'Jamez WA' would get stuck in one of these things.

Eat healthy, keep fit. Then die anyway.


Don't worry watching this film was as good as being in a torture room! I wonder if ANY of the actors in this film ever went on to make it BIG in Hollywood? Can anyone solve that mystery for me?

The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive.

Pvt. Joker


The movie wasn't pointless -- you just totally missed the point. It was about the psychology of the people involved -- problem-solving skills, social skills, paranoia, and suspicion. In the very beginning, the characters refused to think too hard about what was happening. What was important wasn't who MADE the cube or why, but who was STUCK IN the cube and why.

The characters knew very little about each other or each others' respective talents or skills. Had they stopped to really explore this in the beginning, as well as the construction of the cube, they would have found it much easier to escape. There was an escape artist, a strategist, a mathematician, an idiot savant, a doctor, and an engineer of the cube. Together, they should have been able to escape without anyone getting killed. The cube held all the information they needed, as well. Instead, they panicked and resorted to conspiracy theories, suspicion, arguing, and violence. The movie was about a concept, about human nature. Their hastiness and oversight, as well as their paranoia, were their downfall. The other stuff ISN'T important, except that we're supposed to understand the ultimately pointless cruelty of whatever person or organization is subjecting them to such an experiment.




I feel the same way as the OP. In fact, that is why I hated The Wizard of Oz so much. When they all started chanting "Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my," I kept thinking... c'mon, those three animals usually don't share the same habitat.

"Sit down Mr. Muckle, honey."


remember in the movie they had a discussion regarding the purpose of things, and the holloway kept arguing that everything must have a point, while worth kept saying not everything has to have a point and a lot of people arent able to grasp that idea that things dont always have to have a certain meaning to it and things can be simply pointless. thats what i got out of it at least.




If you all can't explain how magnets work then they're POINTLESS!!!
