Usher? Jon Stewart?

What random casting.

DEAR MODS: Please reduce my posting quota. 30 minutes is way too much.


For real



Actually, if you consider it.. it's really not that random at all. Not at all if you consider it.

Consider it.


C3po I think your audio voice box's been Damaged Been damaged Damaged...
Where is chewbaca?



That's what I thought when I saw Harry Knowles as a teacher in the beginning.


Is that a bad thing? They fit their small roles.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


Well apparently Usher had a bigger role than what made the edit. He filmed lots more scenes but for some reason ended up being a glorified extra. He even made the poster alongside the main cast and I remember reading Smash Hits in 1998 (big teen mag in the UK) and it was billed as HIS movie. Maybe his name was used to sell tickets. Or maybe they realised when shooting that he wasn't as good an actor as they had hoped. Whatever the reason, this film does have some strange casting!


All star cast. 

Selma. Piper Laurie. Bebe. Famke. That's just some of the teachers.


>Piper Laurie

So THAT'S who that was... I kept wondering if it was Debbie Reynolds. My big project for this weekend was going to be to look her up in the end credits, thank you. Now I can just play video games all weekend like I wanted to.


Having just seen this for the first time, I found the cast surprisingly solid and yes extremely random. So many interesting things like the T1000 to Usher to Frodo to Jon Stewart lol


I think Jon Stewart had a desire to be an actor around this period. He probably would be still acting today if Death to Smoochy hadn't bombed. After that he seemed to be more just primarily focused on comedy and television.


I would have flipflopped Stewart, Robert Patrick, and Christopher McDonald.

I would have had Robert Patrick as the science teacher which would have made the classroom attack more intimidating. Because the T-1000 is ya know pretty imposing whereas Stewart lol

I would have cast McDonald as the football coach because he's a pretty big dude and looks like almost every other gym teacher I've had.

And Stewart could've played Casey's dad if he really needed to be in this movie.

Just my two cents
