MovieChat Forums > SyphiliticHobbit

SyphiliticHobbit (367)


Age well? Still worth watching? Quit after six episodes I refuse to believe Wait, the main actress wasn't Deb from Dexter? Man, Jonah Hill looks so old here Why was Blanc so quick to trust her? I can’t believe I’m typing this but this was absolutely incredible. The Downfall parody Humorless. It's just not any fun. It Follows + The Ring = Smile View all posts >


He was amazingly memorable for how little screen time he had. Simply awesome. Lmfao T2 and Aliens aren’t good enough? I love the humor! Really enjoyed this. Thanks for the recommendation. The cast is, without exaggeration, extremely amazing. And besides Heston, they’re literally all in their primes too. Why this much hate? He’s done some good things. Great, even. Rope burn. ty, that's disappointing to hear Yeah you should. It’s a fairly good western with a great cast. Gotta watch season two of Buffy. The second half of that season is insanely high quality. Yep. Surprising amount of depth to such a funny throwaway character. View all replies >