MovieChat Forums > Fight Club (1999) Discussion > How is this movie overrated?

How is this movie overrated?

This one of the best film of 90s and people are saying that it's overrated. Can someone please explain to me why this film is terrible to you?


Have you seen ANY movies from the 90's?


The subtle homosexual background was always annoying. This is one thing most people missed on.


I find it funny because when my best friend and I saw it in theaters back in 1999 there was absolutely NOBODY in the theater! The film had only been out for a week or so and there were four of us in the theater. This film was a bomb during it's theatrical run, it only became "POPULAR" when discovered on video, and even then people really didn't get it. My friends and I loved it because of how insane it is rather than what it actually has to say. It's an absurd batsh!t crazy movie on the level of Tobe Hooper Texas Chainsaw Massacre Part 2.


Attempts to claim this film has "subtle homosexual background" is actually much more annoying. There's no love between the men in this movie (ok, there's a little remorse when Meatloaf dies, but was he really a man? He had b-t's)


Not overrated.

"'Extremely High Voltage.' Well, I don't need safety gloves, because I'm Homer Sim--" - Frank Grimes


i have shocking news:

people who find gems like fight club and say it's overrated are not to be taken seriously. just perform this simple experiment: check their profile page and see how absurdly they rate movies. FOR EXAMPLE the first guy who answered in this very thread has rated

V for Vendetta : 1
Inception : 2
Dark Knight Rises : 3
The Mist : 2

are we to take seriously people like them?


because it is about a cry baby who couldn't cope with having a job


What a wonderfully stupid misinterpretation of the movie!


"Terrible" and "overrated" are not the same thing.


Because young people are jealous of the fact that previous generations produced pop culture that absolutely obliterates the crap being produced today.


Well, it actually was a box office flop and I think got pretty mixed reviews when it first came out, right? Personally I think it is one of the best movies of the 90's and of all time. Pretty close to perfect, and I'm very critical and don't say that about too many movies.


Seems like this is a millennials suck vs. generation x rules issue ... hehe. Idk, I was a much bigger fan of the film myself when I was teen, but it started to lose some of its appeal to me later on (and not so much because of its themes). However, I can still see why it is regarded as a classic of 90s cinema.
