MovieChat Forums > Fight Club (1999) Discussion > Why weren't there any women in the fight...

Why weren't there any women in the fight club?

It made it seem like it was an all-boys club.

Were women not allowed to join?


Women have it their own version called pta meetings.


Hahaha, good one.


There was a women's fight club on 30 Rock.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


What are you, a women beater or just fanticize about it?


"What are you, a women beater "

What are you, equality-hater?

Women have screamed many things at men for many decades now. I think it's about time for them to put their money where their mouths have been for so long.

If men are to take these things seriously:

- women want equality
- "I am a woman, hear me roar!"
- women need men as much as a fish needs a bicycle
- women can do anything men can do, but better

.. then it means also men beating women. Yes, that's the price of admission to true equality. Otherwise, it's just the weaker sex screaming unrealistic crap because they know they can get away with it because men want to protect the weaker beings from the consequences of even their actions, and even from their thoughts and emotions.

I don't mind admitting that women are weaker than men, and that meaning that men shouldn't beat up women, _IF_ that means that also women can't ABUSE this notion by beating men, either, or abuse men in any other way, and then running behind this "I am weaker, so you can't hit me, nyahnyah"-notion every time things get tough.

The most hardcore feminist will still try to use her feminine viles to manipulate men, when things get tough, that's for sure - or more truthfully, would _TRY_ to do so, if she HAD any femininity left..

How can there be so many brainwashed, white-knighting simps in the world, when women are routinely duping men, making them pay for everything, kick them in the nuts, laugh at them, and watch men be portrayed in TV, ads, and all other media as bumbling fools, while women are shown as some kind of superior, super-intelligent angelic beings who can make no mistake - without trying to change this inequality.

Somehow only PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT is seen as 'equality', but true equality, like a man's fist against a woman's face, is not.

If you want equality, you have to take ALL of it, not only the raisins from the bun. You can't just take the good bits, and reject the bad bits.

If you want to be equal with men, you have to take just as many punches as men are expected to take. The societies have to make sure 50% homeless will be women (I'd say a woman has to be a _REAL_ snot-monster in all possible levels for her to ever end up homeless, while a good, decent, hard-working men can end up homeless just because they trusted the wrong women, who divorced them and kicked them out of their own homes).

Either ADMIT you want PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT (unfairly) to women, or take equality and men beating up women. The only reason why any woman would ever last any amount of time against a man in the ring, is that a man hesitates to fight fully against something that's perceived to be so weak and fragile. It's like fighting a small child, there's no honor in winning or losing.

Why shouldn't women be beaten up, if men are beaten up? Why would it be somehow more wrong to beat up women, than it is to beat up men? Are you a misandrist?

What are you, a man-hater? Do you want to oppress 50% of humanity based on their physical bodies? That's EVIL.

By your post, you have proven yourself to be an evil oppressor, and I wish a feminist will soon show you just what women are truly made of... by the time you start regretting your man-hatred, it'll be too late. And someone will be there to point at you and laugh at your misandry and stupidity.



"waaah, why can't we hit women . There's no equality :("

No one is going to read that long ass misogynist post.


^^^ Yeah, what you said ^^^


Wow dude ...
Not all women want equality just so you know .. just because someone says it, that doesn t mean everyone follows. I, or my friends don't go around, fists in the air and scream "let s do this !!! Whatever it is we are doing !!! ".

Some of us are neutral and I bet there are loads of women who plain don t give a rat's ass of feminism and equality and all that *beep* At the end of the day, if you are strong then you are strong, regardless of gender. And that s it.
Why there were no women in the fight club ? There could have been. But the script didn t say so, the writer didn t want so , so on and so forth ....

Peace !


avortac= Ray Rice?


I don't think Tyler would have allowed any female members in his fight club. I'm sure that they could have recruited women if they wanted to, though. There are plenty of women who do martial arts, boxing and wrestling (though percentage-wise men are likely in the majority), so finding female members wouldn't be impossible.

But basically, it's an all-male club because that's how Tyler wanted it.


If you pay attention to the movie it should be blatantly obvious. This movie was about men not knowing where they fit in the modern world.

The new home of Welcome to Planet Bob:


There wasn't a kitchen in Lou's basement.

Remember, it's not a lie if you believe it.


The first and secoond rule of fight club is why there are no women.



I think there might be a problem / difference of interpretation about the concept of "equality". IMO to consider gender equality as anything other than equality of rights is a mistake. Men and women are indeed not equal, but different, and that's really the way it needs to be. That does not mean any gender is lesser than the other.

If you pay attention to the movie it should be blatantly obvious. This movie was about men not knowing where they fit in the modern world.





Like in Lord of the Flies, the addition of women would take focus from the masculine narrative.
