MovieChat Forums > That '70s Show (1998) Discussion > least favourite character?

least favourite character?

I wanted to ask here, who is your least favorite character on the show main or otherwise? also please don't say randy because that's too obvious and overdone

feel better everyone and everything


I understand everyone saying Fez but seriously, Donna and Kitty are the fĂșcking worst. Kitty's overbearing, always forcing her own ideas on people and stucking her nose where it doesn't belong. Absolutely hated her in the episode where she insists on throwing Hyde a bday party. Annoying, but at least she means well. Donna's just a hypocrite bitch. I'm rewatching it now, currently just finished S04 and I want to slap both of them so hard.

Also not a specific character fault per se but overall writing, I always hated how they constantly put down Eric's character. I get that it's a source for laughs but it especially irritated me when it was Donna doing it or others making jokes about him with her.

JUDGE Seaward presiding.


This is an old post, but I just have to say, amen, the_seaward! You read my mind exactly.


Randy and Samantha Hyde


Leo! The most annoying character in the show.

There's something wrong with Esther.


Bob. He was great at playing the victim. I felt like his behaviour in Jackie bags Hyde was awful and I never found any of his jokes funny. Lot of people say Fez but at least Fez could occasionally make you laugh, unlike Bob.


Laurie, definitely.



Of the mains, Jackie is the most grating. But even she had her moments.

Other than that, Midge.

Also could barely stand Mitch. I even started to like Seth Green less for it.


Definitely Donna. She was a hag the whole series. Saying she never liked Eric's basement after they broke up but still coming over every day. Being a prick tease from day. 1. Withholding sex when Eric disagreed with her. The list could go on and on


Those manipulation techniques are in the top drawer of almost every woman's toolbox. You can't fault Donna's character for being accurate. ;)



You're a creature of the night, Michael
