MovieChat Forums > That '70s Show (1998) Discussion > "Big Rhonda" - was it just me? or...

"Big Rhonda" - was it just me? or...

did anybody else think, at least for a while, that "Big Rhonda" was played by Laura Prepon (Donna)? i did, at first. they have similar voices and features, and it was obviously a non-overweight actress made to look overweight. and for a little while it looked to me like they just gave one of the regulars of the show another silly character to play for a while. even when i figured it's not the case when "Big Rhonda" was shown in the future (now fit) i still thought they must be at least related because of their resemblance.
there, i said it.


I always hoped Big Rhonda would have made into a reoccurring character. Except like you said, she obviously wasn't actually fat, she was "BIG"--like Farm-Girl Big. She could have been a great background character.

Or my isn't name...


The first couple of times I saw Rhonda I thought it was Laura Prepon in a dual role.


Yes, I thought it was Laura Prepon pulling double duty, but only when I was half paying attention to the show. It was when I watched it regularly that I could tell the difference.


I think I suspected that a few times at first.

A Superman without trunks isn't worth watching or reading about.


I, too, thought it was Laura. I figured that's why the studio audience laughed whenever she showed up.

Kerbal Space Program:
Failure is not an option. It's a requirement!


She looked thinner than LP to me in the wrists, neck and face, but I did recognize it was a fat suit right off the bat. She's the one "kid" on the show that actually grew up in the 70's. She was older than LRK by several years and is 50 now. Hard to believe she was 35-36 while doing the show.


yeah the fat suit was quite obvious. but i did not know she is that much older than the rest. when LRK died i also learned she was actually about 10 years older than Laurie was supposed to be.


I recognized the actress from other things she'd done. LP never occurred to me.


All the time and I was convinced for the longest time until I was able to look up her real name.

Funny thing how many people say the same thing.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety

