Bruce Jenner

I'm re-watching the show, and there's an episode in season seven where Eric's with Donna at a take back the night rally. Hi-jinx ensue and it winds up with Eric running with angry feminists in hot pursuit.

"I'm one of you, ladies!" screams Eric as he flees.

Donna yells after him: "Run, Eric! Run like Bruce Jenner!" and then laments that Eric doesn't "know sports".



Was written 1) with 70's mindset 2) before Bruce became caitlyn in 2017. Yeah now it doesn't translate the same. But back then audiences would have received it different


I know. I didn't mean "Amazing." as in, "They crossed a huge line!" or "What a deliberate anachronism!" I just meant that this huge coincidence was hilarious in retrospect.


Google lists several Reddit posts and a YouTube video.
