Best Episode?

I have to say the one about the "Ugly Club"

"Just Like in Gummo!"


I've only seen Season One (and am incredibly stoked about Season 2 FINALLY coming out)... but my faves so far are the Ass Pennies, and the Fortune Cookies.


Been awhile since I've seen these and I'm not sure I've see all of season 3. The Ass Pennies one stayed with me as did little Donnie, Mogomra was something I used to talk about alot too. Poo Stick was good and the one with the nazi and the muffins. Time Machine might be my favorite though, "I can do anything through the hole in the sheet!" The whole series is excellent though and I hope they'll release it all on DVD. I've also seen an A$$CAT show in the city once which was excellent.


Asspennies is the best.... but I also love Bong Boy and Captain Lunatic.


i dont recall the title, but the one where it takes place at a Summer Bible Camp, and the counselor asks a kid if he's been doing something wrong (like stealing or something). The kid says no, and the counselor proceeds to do things like run barefoot on thumb tacks until the kid confesses. The kid never does, and the counselor bizarre self-punishment gets more and more painful. I miss this show.

--- If peeing your pants is cool, then I'm Miles Davis



Where's the love for Thunderball?

Silky Slim is one of the best characters ever shown on T.V.

I never liked cats. - Stannis Baratheon


Master Dialectician and the Fart Monster episode!
