MovieChat Forums > Bad Boys II (2003) Discussion > Anyone here see this in the theatre?

Anyone here see this in the theatre?

So people always wonder "what was it like to see Psycho in the theatre if you didn't know the twist?" or "what was it like to see Empire Strikes Back and not know Darth Vader was Luke's father?"

I wonder "what would it have been like to see Bad Boys II expecting something like the first one, and getting decapitated cadavers, brains falling out of heads, dead giant breasts, people getting shot in the eyeball/neck, rats humping, Will Smith dropping N bombs and pointing guns at kids, ALL FOR 2 and a half hours!!" (I still can't believe this movie is just as long as The Dark Knight)

Don't get me wrong, I love this movie for what it is but I saw it on DVD way after i had heard everything about it and knew what to expect. But anyone here see it in the theatre, thinking "what the HELL is going on??"


I saw it at the drive-in opening weekend with a bunch of friends. It was great! I saw the first one in theaters as well. :)


I actually saw part 1 and 2 at the theatre.I actually liked the first one better.


I saw it in the reviews prior to going, so I knew what I was going to see....loved every second of this popcorn, ignorant, hilarious, fun movie



I saw in the theaters when it got out. The first time I saw it, I thought it was mediocre; some funny moments but way too long and crappy editing. Well, I think I saw it like a few years ago again and I thought it was terrible actually. Again, I had some laughs, but I actually did not even finish the movie since it was such an overblown, overlong and incredibly silly movie that actually represents a lot of what is wrong with action movies today. The whole thing is filmed like a prolonged videoclip that just does not know when to end. Plus, I like violence in movies in general, but here it was just badly executed for me and not necessary. I don't know, perhaps I don't share a lot of Michael Bay's humor, but aside from a few jokes, I thought the movie tried to be funny but was not at all amusing numerous times. This and Transformers 2 have to be amongst the worst movies I have seen honestly. But to each his own...

Bill Foster: I'm the bad guy?...How did that happen?


I saw this movie at a drive-in movie theater back in the summer of '03. It was a double feature, with this movie and Tomb Raider 2 with Angelina Jolie. It was a fun experience just because it was outside on a warm summers night and I was on a date with a pretty girl, but both movies are fairly mediocre. I really enjoyed the first Bad Boys, but the second was too long and too ridiculous.

"Johnny, you're about to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. How do you feel about that?"


this movie came out my sophomore year at college summer of 03, and it didn't really surprise me or show me anything different than what I already had seen in theaters. I grew up watching all sorts of films like the Rock, Menace II Society, Scarface, American Pie, Scream, etc so it wasn't too bad and I had seen plenty of vulgar things. Back in the 90's, Martin Lawrence had a comedy show called Martin, so I knew what to expect from Martin Lawrence's performance and what Will Smith would bring to the table. I loved the film and it is a great popcorn flick.


Of course, since I had viewed the original back in 1995 in theaters, I managed to see the sequel on opening day (July 18th, 2003) and had a pretty good overall experience but with a few minor issues...

The running time for this movie is 147 minutes (2.4 hours) while the original is 119 minutes (1.9 hours). It felt as though they were trying to pack in wayyy too much at once when it could have been considerably shorter, much like the first installment.

The editing at certain times was terrible. I remember this vividly because of the scene where the Mike Lowrey character was engaged in a gunfight and having a standoff with a villain inside of a house. Michael Bay decided to use a 360-degree camera view between the two characters which caused it to spin around several times. Needless to say, I thought I was going to vomit. I had to keep looking away every five seconds.

If they do make a third installment, then I hope they learn by the above mistakes. Keep it like the original and I'm sure it will be much more enjoyable.


I saw this movie 5 times in the theater. That is not a joke. The first time I saw it, I didn't even know there was a bad boys 2 movie out. I wasn't even very familiar with the first one. Saw it with a friend on a boring saturday and it blew my 15 year old mind. So O kept bringing other friends to see it. I don't think I've ever seen another movie more than once in the theater, but yeah I saw this one a lot!


I'm wondering what factors in the movie turned you to watch 5 times...I am guessing it would be 10 seconds scene of Jessica Karr's naked breast close-up shot in the morgue scene...


I don't know, I was a hyped up teenager who was blown away by the action scenes. The action, the comedy, it was just unlike anything I had seen before. It was just so over the top, that I just had to bring my other friends to see it.


Similar fun you can enjoy in Rush Hour movie series...


I saw this twice in the theater. I pre-ordered my ticket for the premiere in the next week but the week before, I went to a sneak preview and, well, they showed "Bad Boys II".
At first I was disappointed, because I already knew that I would see it the next week, but after the first hour or so I was so glad that I get to see this great movie a second time in the theater.


Can't remember if it was the opening night or the following but fell asleep watching it :). For about 25 minutes. Guy behind me nudged my seat from behind cause I started snoring lol.


I was a freshmen in college when this came out. Went with a group of friends to see it and it was a great night.

Millennial = Homo Sapiens born 1990 or after; Losers who think they know everything but don't


this thread is Gold LOL no i didnt saw this at the cinema theateres i was 13 back then in 2003. but i remember first time watching this on tv i was like what the hell this film is epic and still is,i now also got a dvd for this,cant wait for bad boys 3 for life.i love the first one too but this one was extreme fun.
