MovieChat Forums > Bad Boys II (2003) Discussion > Should Bad Boys II be banned?

Should Bad Boys II be banned?

Due to the negative portrayal of Haitians in the movie and out of respect for the victims of the earthquake in Haiti, should Bad Boys II be pulled from shelves and no longer be shown on TV?


Actually, the earthquake showed what a bunch of morons Haitians really are. They actually started attacking aid-workers and started raping eachother. It's 2011 now and things are still disastrous overthere. So if anything, Bad Boys 2 should be rented under the 'documentary'banner from now on.


Burned, erased from memory and time, sent to hell with a special message to whoever is downthere to torture and punish this sorry excuse for a movie for ever and ever...ah yeah and Michael Bay...and Will Smith...and Martin Lawrence if he is still alive...wait I thought I saw him as an extra on "The Walking Dead"!

This movie shouldn't be banned for its content, it should have all those things I mentioned above done to it, because is just a bad piece of crap movie, non-entertaining and utterly unecessary and useless!

"Today is the tomorrow I was so worried about yesterday"--Anthony Hopkins


So it seems the general consensus is for the film to be banned. I think I will write a letter to the movie people right now suggesting this. Thank you all for your feedback.


Maybe it should be banned in one of those countries that bans movies. However here in America one of the prices of freedom is that every once in a while somebody's going to make a movie that offends you.

"Shame on you for making me use my rape-whistle in a non-rape situation!"


What shaznazzi said.

We live in America. At least I do and this is an American movie, you fascist and/or commie ****.


Excuse me? What did you call me?


No way. It was made before the earthquake. The director could not predict that an earthquake in Haiti would occur seven years later. I mean the director is a person with powers like us.


Any further updates?


just watched it on tv, so safe to say its not banned


6 years later and it's still a STUPID question!
