Jail? Plot hole big time...

They wouldn't be put in jail for going to the hospital for an infection. Even back whenever this movie was supposed to be set (late 70s, early 80s maybe?). If they brought someone in who overdosed yes. They had no drugs yet. Giant plot hole. They should have had them get caught with some heroin or something.


At first anyways. Then they had to ruin it with him shooting into that infection. When I see that needle stuff I feel like puking, I have to look away. Don't need to see the needle go in to get the point. If a character goes into the bathroom I get what's probably going on in there. I don't need to see the actual *beep* happening. Every junkie movie ever made shows the needle process and it is unnecessary. I thought this one was different until that one part.


Error. That was supposed to be a new topic.
Too bad there's no edit option on the android app.


I am with you on that OP, coming from someone in LE I KNOW that is not how things are done... all of the sudden they are in a dull fledge prison going out on work details for merely going to the ER.. not a chance. Just finished watching it for the first time and it lived up to the hype. I loved it. Jennifer Connolly was hotter than ever


If I remember the book correctly, they were arrested and put in jail for "loitering" or something like that. It wasn't for drugs.


That's pretty much correct. I believe they got them for "Vagrancy". You run into the wrong part of the rural South, that would not just happen in the late 70's, it would happen today.

As for not taking Harry to the hospital, probably right that that was sensationalized, but c'mon! It's a work of fiction and a movie, not a documentary.


It was because Tyrone violated his probation after his arrest by leaving the state.

"600 miles closer to Florida"-Ty

"Which means 600 miles further from New York!"-Harry

He wasn't supposed to leave the state. That's why Tyrone went back to jail. Harry might have been arrested for accessory or because they did find drug paraphernalia in Ty's car during a search.


Good catch!

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefsī²


This still is no basis at all for the forthcoming events:
The most important issue which is not addressed in this topic is that a doctor is NOT a police officer - and even an officer would FIRST treat the emergency, and only then send the suspect to custody, hell - Harry could've died, and the most important element here is:
The doctor had no reason at all to suspect crime!
He jumped to a senseless conclusion - I'll give you a great alternative explanation to the infection - how about a claim of being in an ER recently, and leaving - only to get an infection in the place where the mainline catheter(/butterfly, however you call it) was at - the exact point where he had the infection - now, this is a completely legal explanation.
They also couldn't prove anything regarding a connection between Harry and Tyrone, and most of all - as for the drugs possession charge: unless Ty went into the hospital with the heroin they had - this charge is completely bogus - as, OBVIOUSLY stated - the car belonged to "Angel"! They could claim they hitchhiked there.
Now sure, Ty was stupid to leave the state (if it was indeed a factor, as not all cases demand this limitation, and he wasn't convicted yet anyhow), but there's no reason for the doctor to call the cops - he did not witness any crime, and his job is to treat, not to snitch (which is what they made it like),
All in all, this movie is pretty dim-witted, Harry could've easily make 2 grand or more by stealing his mother's pharmacy worth of pills, and start pushing amphetamine instead of heroin while using the profits to stay on the ride as long as Dr. Pill (seriously?) prescribed Amphetamine pills (and Valium, which would've helped them all with the heroin withdrawals) provided the stuff - and he'd also gain another victory there - saving his mother's sanity and life, albeit through force, and thereby making HER suffer withdrawals - still, they'd all be better off and I personally think it was insane of him to leave his own mother to rot (as obvious in the taxi - which is, by the way - where he gets infected: notice the fast-cut scene of the injection when he's crying, they show how he skips the cotton-filter stage, which is detrimental and obviously the reason for the infection - as it's seen only after that scene).
There is a huge amount of crap in this movie, all in all - completely unrealistic in some levels and very realistic in others - which made it a purely fictive movie for me, a movie which studies the mind of those suffering from addiction, to food or drugs - and specifically the hardships of being a single old mother, a "disappointment" of a son, a young lady with major body-image issues - the individualistic issues of each character and the (stupidly) harsh views of the director and writer about drug use and their general perspective of dependence and addiction - that's basically what this movie is all about, for me.

-I know I digressed here, but I provided a few valid points regarding the storyline down here, anyhow, so long.


That is not what they were apprehended,the doctor saw needle marks and called the cops right away..


Yes, I think this is a problem with the movie (but not necessarily a "plot hole"). They don't arrest people for drug use. (They arrest people for possession and selling etc; but not merely for past use where the drug is now in the person's system.) There's no reason in the movie to think the police would have searched the car or done anything else. The probation/parole violation thing does not make a lot of sense either. The doctors just treat people; they see drug use all the time; they would have no reason to call the cops in this situation. (Note too that there are issues of patient-physician confidentiality.) (I don't practice in this area of law much, but I am a lawyer, and so I speak with at least a little authority on such things.) (The probation thing does not make sense either because the dude's home state would ultimately take him into custody for that. He would not be doing any "work" in the state 600 miles away. At most he would be in a local jail and extradited fairly quickly to the home state. If they were both sentenced to prison and given work, then it would be in different states. I'm inferring that they were in a different state when they were 600 miles away.) If there is an answer to this plot problem, then it has not been posted here yet...


Although they were also drug dealers, so maybe the police we're already aware of them and keeping a look out for them.


Yes they would dumb ass,have u ever worked at a hospital,fernt.he saw the needle marks and if anyone is endangering themselves or anyone else than they will call the police..but yes the fact that they had drugs out of nowhere was dumb..


They did shoot up on the trip SO they had drugs somewhere in the car

Took him to a hospital, Doc sees the tracks, takes the drugs from the room calls the cops, Tyrone get arrested for being out of state and possible possession of paraphernalia if nothing else (That did happen back in the day)

It's been awhile BUT I thought hey put the other guy in to for a short time then sent him to hospital for the amputation


Aronofsky never turns down a chance to be bombastic
