MovieChat Forums > Foster1486

Foster1486 (293)


OK --- SO at the Bank Watching it for the 1st time in a long time Just now watching it for the 1st time --- Finally found out -- Hmmm Found Guilty of the same-- 31 years -- I wonder if--- They Say Watching it now -- 1 thing I never understood in westerns This is the Only === View all posts >


That was the 1st movie I had seen her in I'd say YES she did deserve the Oscar--- BUT--- That was a very weak year, in almost every category Since then, what I've seen of her is not Impressive Could have been anything that set me off You see it in about every movie board -- Someone bitching and moaning about historical accuracy Boy, that's the truth In the Trivia section Poitier admits to being tone deaf and couldn't carry a tune in a bucket Affirmative Action is and has been Racist BS since they started it You need to get a life The thing I liked about Custer --- Whatever rank he had HE led from the front Many Officers, even now, do not I don't recall an "outrage" over this movie And why compare "It" to "controversy" of a movie few have seen Successful ones are NEVER much cared for "Pat Garrett and the Kid" I like your other choices Sam Thought "Cable Hogue" was his best View all replies >