MovieChat Forums > Requiem for a Dream (2000) Discussion > Would any doctor act like that?

Would any doctor act like that?

When Harry came to the hospital his arm was such a mess even the doctor shrugged when he looked at it. Seeing how bad it looked, how could he not help him (and perhaps save the arm) before calling the police? Would any real doctor act like that?


I agree with your post, cholo.
Many doctors (and many drug & alcohol counselors!) treat addicts like pieces of crap, like they are bad people or second-class citizens.
I say unless an addict has just hurt or killed someone because of their addiction, then they deserve to be treated as they are: Someone with a medical problem!
Treated with respect.

I think what the doctor did in this film was criminal. The doctor saw how deadly this infection was (hell, I'm not a doctor & I COULD TELL).
That young man needed help right away! Maybe he still would have lost his arm but the docs did not even try.
I would have sued.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


I don't know why people are assuming that they treat patents like nothing, as a generality. What type of clinic are these characters seeing a doctor in? I have not seen the film. Are they going to some lowbrow non-profit clinic or a private office. Not that it makes it right for any doctor to not treat somebody, but if you're not paying for the services, and there's a long waiting line, they might be a factor.


I'm not even sure if a doctor is even allowed to act like that. I could see it just being a big waste of time if they reported every drug addict who walked in because I figure many of them would not have any kind of drugs on them & not exactly sure if they could be hauled away if they're just on a high. I would believe it would be against some sort of ethics for a doctor to just try to get them all arrested instead of doing what they can to help the person in need of medical attention. Especially in the film where Harry has a really nasty thing going on with his arm (I'm guessing some sort of gangrene?), just to be taken away by cops and then inevitably losing his arm. The only way I could see a doctor calling the cops on you is if you had an overwhelming amount of drugs on you or you were causing a ruckus in the office. It was hard to believe this part of the film imo.

