MovieChat Forums > Almost Famous (2000) Discussion > Can't stand Penny Lane. Anyone else?

Can't stand Penny Lane. Anyone else?

I love Almost Famous. As a 26 year old who discovered classic rock during middle school, this movie makes me wish I had been around in the 60s and 70s when, in my opinion, music was at its very best.

Having said that, one thing about this movie has always bothered me, and that's the character of Penny Lane. I'm not familiar with "groupies", or "band-aids", or whatever they choose to call themselves. I don't know what it's like to follow a band around, or how life is on the road. Is this how "groupies" acted back in the day, fawning over rock stars? Penny Lane just aggravates me every single time I watch this film. I understand she is supposed to be "cool" and kind of "mysterious", but it's more annoying than it is fascinating. She seems delusional (chasing after Russell), and the little games she plays (like how Anna Paquin's character narrates the scene at the party: "Act One, in which she pretends she doesn't care about him . . .", and then proceeds to tell William that Penny used him as an excuse to go to the party to see Russell), and just how she acts in general. It comes off as if she's trying too hard to be cool, at least to me. Is she just a young girl in love who does the typical stupid things that young girls in love usually do? I know that, by the end of the movie, she seems to wake up and has a change of heart, but she just p*sses me off throughout the entire film.

Is it just me, or does anyone else find her obnoxious? Am I missing the point of the character? (Probably. Things always go over my head.)


Hudson was horrible and your totally right for not liking her. she ruined this movie, she was just so fake...

i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now


Wrong, she was great!

By the way, your signature is spelt wrongly, it's Apocalypse. If you're going to post on a movie board at least spell the name of one of the greatest films correctly.


she sucked big time, this movie wasn't about the 70's. it was a bunch of kids dressing up like the 70's. The line penny says 'your are home' and she waves her hand. that was really stupid.
i told you not to stop the boat. Now lets go. Apocaylpse Now



I think Penny Lane was the s**t!

I always tell the girls never take it seriously
If you never take it seriously you never get hurt
If you never get hurt you always have fun
and if you ever get bored you go to the record store
and visit your friends!


Over the weekend I re-watched Almost Famous for the first time since it came out. I remember loving it back then, and I don't remember being annoyed by Penny Lane. But this time, every time she was in a scene I was reminded of Julia Roberts' line in Larry Crowne: “What do men see in irritating free spirits?”


Nope, just you.
Penny is great and a wonderful addition to the movie.
Directors cut is the best tho....


Is this how "groupies" acted back in the day, fawning over rock stars?
Do you really think it is so different today? My guess is Justin Timberlake fights them off with a stick, probably his drummer too.

And as it is, she is charming and show's exceptional heart. She adopts William, the person's eyes we see this world through. He loves her. And she has the chance to get what she wanted most of all (Russell).....she instead turns it into a chance to save William's dreams.

At least after it is over, can't see how she is nails on chalkboard for you. Is it more a judgment of the lifestyle?


Ugh, yes. Can't stand "Penny Lane". Makes me wanna punch a hole in the wall. Hate, hate, hate that stupid character.


It's funny, I feel the exact same way about Penny Lane... She was supposed to be cool and intriguing, but comes across as smug & pretentious.

I also can't stand William, the actor that played him was totally miscast!

For some reason, the actor had this really blank stare throughout the entire film, which made him seem like he doesn't give a *beep* about anything going on around him! Kinda wanted to put a bag over his head whenever he was on screen, because it was annoying as *beep*!!!

Royale with Cheese! - Pulp Fiction


Pennie Lane is actually a composite of two different people. A women named Pennie Lane and Liv Tyler's Mother BeBe Tyler. Their stories are far more interesting then the men they were involved with.
