MovieChat Forums > Wo hu cang long (2001) Discussion > In the end what happened to Jen Yu?

In the end what happened to Jen Yu?

When she jumped off the cliff did she kill herself or go to the mountins? Cause if someone jumped off the bridge they're wish would come true and she wished to be in the mountins.


To me, this opened up a paradox because when the legend is originally told by Lo, he mentions that the wish came true by the boy was never seen again. So, Lo wished for them to live in the desert again. Lets assume the wish was granted. How could she live in the desert with him and be never seen again?


I think she survived and simply intends to live her life however she wants.

She clearly didn't actually want to live in the desert and be poor.

Lo promised her that he'd try to become someone her family could accept her marrying. He clearly didn't do that and instead he wanted her to give up her wealth and position merely to be with him.

Jen simply wanted to be the best fighter in the world. With Li Mu Bai dead and with Jen now better off spiritually (she no longer has the corrupting influence of Jade Fox), she can simply get the Green Destiny sword back and now be the best fighter in the world.

Plus, we got that hint with Yu Shu Lien telling Jen (and the audience?) that clearly Jen doesn't need to borrow clothes and such. If anything, she could simply steal from her parents.

Edit: Also, Li Mu Bai says that there's some council or whatever who could admit Jen and teach her more skills. So, perhaps she could also do that.

The latent causes of faction are thus sown in the nature of man [...] views


That's a really good point there. However, I don't think there is a need to be this literal. If we are going to play that game, we could just say the mountain the boy jumped off was back in the west, not 武当山, so none of it makes any difference.

I like to think 娇龙 (Jiaolong) floated away back to the past where she and 小虎 (Xiaohu) were still together. I think the way the ending is filmed with her floating away in a dreamy, ethereal way leans towards this interpretation. If Li An wanted to film her falling like a rock to her death he easily could have done so. But, like the smart director he is, he left the ending more open and thought-provoking. Is Deckard a Replicant? We'll never know.


In the beginning of the fifth book, which is set 15 years after the fourth book ends, Jiaolong (Yu, Proud Dragon) and Xiaohu (Lo, Junior Tiger) have a son, Iron Knight.



She lived, she had a son, and he is the focus of "Sword of Destiny." The movie didn't have the Zhang Ziyi character directly, because she wouldn't do it, so they changed the name, but it was her.




Yup he clearly a rep. I guess "he'll never know" bec he didn't pay attention.

Werd 2 ur mudda, bruddafckka


Yeah, I think him saying that was his way of expressing that he didn't want her to jump


When she jumped off the cliff did she kill herself or go to the mountains?

In the world of Wu-xia, people can learn and be trained to fly. Also, earlier in the movie itself, it is established that people with a pure heart can make a wish on the top of that mountain and have that wish come true. Either way, Jen Yu lives. Because on the sequel "Iron Knight, Jade Vase", which are based on the fifth novel by Wang Du-lu, Jen Yu and Lo have a son, who will be the male lead of the film, the Iron Knight. By the way, names like Lo, Yu or Jen are names translated by pronunciation. Dragon, Tiger, Iron Knight, Jade Vase are very common Chinese given names translated by definition. The female lead's name is Jade Vase Plum (Lee Yu Ping, if translated by pronunciation). You probably could find 100,000 Chinese women with that name in China because Lee (Plum) is the most common surname in China and Jade Vase is a popular give name for girls (until Cultural Revolution).

The sequel will follow the fifth novel closely. It will be 15 years later after the fourth book "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" ends.


I believe she went to the mountains to bring back Li Mu Bai.

No blah, blah, blah!
