
It was obvious it was a Democratic show and created, created, written and produced by democrats. But most of the main actors were also Democrats and supported the topics. Was it some kind of requirement that the stars had to feel the same way Sorkin felt? Did they intentionally target only liberals or did only liberals want to work for a show that clearly was based on a Democratic President? (or maybe Conservatives did not want to be associated with a show that had ideas clearly against their own)I'm sure some of the recurring or guest stars had a variety of affiliations, but it's interesting to see how nearly 20 yrs later most of the surviving staff are speaking out as activists based on what is gong on right now.

I know in the beginning Rob Lowe was mostly Democratic, and after leaving he became more Independent or at times Republican, so his political beliefs shifted at times, but most of the other staff were considered liberal.


Believe Ron Silver had shifted from Democrat to Republican during that time -- after 9/11.
