MovieChat Forums > The West Wing (1999) Discussion > Particular incidents that didn't seem be...

Particular incidents that didn't seem believable (spoilers)

In the episode that Bradley Whitford wrote, the one where Josh leaves the administration to become campaign manager for Santos, the administration is having difficulty in Congress because of the opposition of a particular senator. After several attempts, the president himself meets with the senator. We see and hear them arguing, but nothing is resolved. Then at the end we're just told that the measure passed Congress. How did the president manage to convince him? We're never told. Very dissatisfying.

In the episode following Toby's admission that he is the leak, CJ refuses to talk to him, but instead immediately calls in the lawyers. That's not very believable. CJ is not a lawyer and would not have known that she shouldn't do that. In fact considering their long working relationship it would have been more believable if she had made some kind of commentary on it.


When shots were fired onto the White House. Senior staff is being assembled into the office of the President. Bartlett then asks where Charlie is and says that Charlie will try and make his way to the office....and then Charlie busts through the door.

The White House was on lock down. It does not matter who Charlie is/was. No one would have just busted through those doors to get in to see the President and if so.....Fire all the secret service.


I would hope that anybody working in the White House would be smart enough to know that as soon as you become aware that a coworker committed a crime, you need to talk to the White House Counsel. In sure it is part of their training. Just because in real life, people's first response is political cover doesn't mean they don't know better.
