MovieChat Forums > Hannibal (2001) Discussion > Did the last scence go too far?

Did the last scence go too far?

Does anybody else think the last scene with the child eating that piece of brain went too far? I understand that this is a horror film, and that anyone watching it can expect to get what they asked for. But there are some things that just don't need to be committed to film...

I think there is an analogy to be drawn here between the way the SOTL films and the way the Saw films have evolved. You have a horror film series that starts out scary in a chilling and thought-provoking sort of way. Then, as new movies come out, the elements that made the original so good are traded in for pure shock value; and what you are left with is just trash for trash sake.


I thought you were referring to the Liotta scene, to which I would say yes, it did. The one with the child on the airplane, well, where the heck were his parents? How were they not able to feed him? If you don't get fed from them, at that age, you go in search of something, to which he found something to be fed by. But what child would have trouble eating airplane food, which is actually pretty good?


airplane food, which is actually pretty good?

Do you have horrible taste or fly on a better airline? I heard JapanAir has really good food.


It doesn't go too far because the characters do not make you believe that what is happening is real. It's such a bad movie that I didn't care for any of them.
The fact that Lecter makes a child eat a piece of brain looks more like a bad joke than something scary to me.


He doesn't "make" the kid do anything. The kid asks twice. If anything, he tries to discourage him at first.


So what if a child has eaten human brain? Is eating abimal brain any different?
Of couse I'm against killing people, but I also opose killing animals.
And eating the ones you had nothing to do when they died, I see no difference.


The final scene made the impact, I believe, the director wanted to make. Hannibal gave the child an opportunity to try something different. The child was all in leaving the audience feeling squeamish about the child eating the cooked brains of a human. Yuck!


Yes!! Showing him with a jar of Beluga caviar and only one flipper to try and open it with, definitely went too far!!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!



So, earlier this week, I finally got to watch this movies from beginning to end. Somehow, I have only caught beginning and middle of it over last 15 years.
The scene you refer is pretty disgusting. The scene I cannot un-see is the one with RLiotta character w/top of skull removed. I have had nightmares on three of four night after watching it on Monday. It actually made me throw up.
If I even picture the scene, still get physically ill. Wish I had never seen it. 😣


Ray had a funny shaped head!
