Purest of garbages

This movie was pure crap. Seeing it once was more than enough for me.

I think the Human Centipede was the only other movie as bad as this.

Michael Bay insulted the poor survivors and ones who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor with this pure garbage.


Agreed.... the love story destroyed it, then the macho american shit destroyed it even more..!


The actual attack was pretty cool but the love story sucked ass!


Seriously. You either haven't watched many films or your taste is very conventional and in tune with the critics/masses.


your taste is very conventional and in tune with the critics/masses.

icemav: film is rubbish
Dainty: you are wrong because everyone , critics and audiences alike, agree with you

A strange position. I guess you're one of those:
"I was a fan of {insert band} before they were famous "
or "Oh you wont have heard of my music , i like underground stuff , too nuanced and sophisticated for your tastes "

Although disagreeing with "Pearl harbor bad" does not really indicate sophisticated taste in movies


Neither does thinking PH is bad.
