that is all.


This movie wasn't terrible AT ALL. Predictable and corny? Not really. Maybe for the rest of M. Night's films, but not this one.


The Sixth Sense, The Village, Split, and Signs were not predictable. In fact even non Shyamalan fans can't accuse his films of predictability, they always miss the mark.


its a masterpiece


indeed a masterpiece
My favorite movie of all time



No, it wasn't.
Perhaps it isn't a masterpiece as everyone thinks it is, but it's hardly TERRIBLE.
Lady on the Water, the Happening, The Last Airbender and After Earth are terrible.


Totally agree, it's an excellent film. Moody in vision and tone, with a great soundtrack.


'Unbreakable' is the only superhero movie that is NOT corny or predictable. It was by far the best superhero movie I've ever seen.

Everyone has their own tastes though. Some would rather watch Hulk running around jumping on fighter jets, Transformers Part 6, or Hallie Berry as Catwoman. That's fine; it's just not for me.


Dude you're a troll
Lost faith in DC


Yes, I agree you are terrible


why don't you go bash a film your own size troll bait


One of the best superhero movies out there, better than anything by marvel.


I found it very slow moving and boring. But to each his own.

"Vulgarity is no substitute for wit".


YES, jesus christ i cant believe people acually liked this massive piece of *beep* a 2 hour origin story where literally nothing happens the entire movie. *beep* this movie, and *beep* the fact that its got a goddamn 7.2 rating, when it really should have a 4.
Also *beep* M.Night Shyalamadingdong and the disgusting piece of *beep* that was that horrible Avatar movie he did, god damnit he raped that show.
