open source is evil

we need to capatlize on software development, that way programmers can make a living, imagine if cisco, microsoft, IBM, just shutdown, thousands of jobs would be lost, also the whole information is free for everyone is total *beep* if thats the case i should be able to get my car fixed for free right?? mechanics provide a service as do programmers that is writing code, without these corporations there wouldn't be any major software deveploment and we would be stuck with *beep* unsupported operating systems and software, reminds me of Linux and gimp..


That's why most of my stuff is public domain. Attaching an open-source license would be just pagentry for me: I certainly don't intend to sue if someone steals my stuff (yeah, like I'm good enough that they would). That said, I did translate the GPL 3 to Esperanto, just for something to do on a boring day.

Linux isn't an operating system, by the way. It's a kernel. There are Linux-based operating systems. I use Mageia, which is excellent. Ubuntu is popular, but total crap (its grep doesn't even support Perl-compatible regular expressions).

Microsoft doesn't offer support either. They just allow users to be guinea pigs for their underdeveloped, non-beta tested software.


Some concrete example of evil programs:
* Apache
* bind
* Firefox
* Lynx
* Perl
* Python
* Safari

It's a scary world out there when just about every program that runs the internet is evil.


More to the point, in addition to what everyone else has said, you're presenting a false dichotomy, and a hypocritical one at that. You can't praise proprietary software, then turn around and call out people who choose to release their own proprietary software free of charge. If they develop the code, it's theirs to do with as they see fit, every bit as much so as someone who charges for it. The Asian kid was taking his "freedom of information" schtick to extremes -- code isn't simply "information" like the law of gravity or the name of your third grade teacher, it's the product of work, innovation and ideas -- but the essential point is that if one chooses to release this product free of charge so it *becomes* information, that is entirely one's prerogative, just as it's one's prerogative to bundle the code up and sell it for a price.


So in the perfect world of Linux and Unix and a world where the evil Microsoft never came to be and everybody is drinking the free juice, how would the world function today? Would computing really be where it is today with all the easy to use cool services?


You have zero idea of what you are talking about.

Had the Internet not been open it would have never have taken off, bring about a whole new industry, that created millions of jobs.
